1 Tim 3:1-7 Titus 1:6-9 Col 1:15-20
He’s the SOURCE: He’s the SOURCE: V16: for through him [Christ], God created everything.... Everything was created through him and for him. V16: for through him [Christ], God created everything.... Everything was created through him and for him. He’s the SUSTAINER: He’s the SUSTAINER: V17: Christ holds all creation together. V17: Christ holds all creation together. He’s the RECONCILER: He’s the RECONCILER: V20: through him [Christ] God reconciled everything to himself V20: through him [Christ] God reconciled everything to himself
Church Elders are always described as a group Church Elders are always described as a group One man doesn’t have all the gifts to effectively lead the Church One man doesn’t have all the gifts to effectively lead the Church Group leadership best reflects how Jesus operates in relationship with His Father & the Holy Spirit Group leadership best reflects how Jesus operates in relationship with His Father & the Holy Spirit
Presbuteros Acts 14:23; 20:17 Elder o Guard from error o Spiritually mature o Mentor Episcopos 1 Tim 3:1-2 Overseer o Manage o Direct o Govern Poimen 1 Peter 5:2 Shepherd o Guide o Nurture o Care for & feed
Spiritually: Spiritually: Not a recent convert Not a recent convert Not liable to fall Not liable to fall Able to teach others Able to teach others Loyal to the truth of God’s Word Loyal to the truth of God’s Word Willing to care Willing to care Proven spiritual standing Proven spiritual standing A servant attitude A servant attitude
Personally: Personally: Integrity Integrity Self discipline Self discipline Gentle Gentle Not argumentative Not argumentative Financially straight Financially straight Encouraging Encouraging
Socially: Socially: Hospitable Hospitable Faithful in marriage Faithful in marriage Competent as a parent Competent as a parent Respected by non-Christians Respected by non-Christians Church Eldership is not about getting things done but about getting someone grown
Accountability: We value being held accountable to each other. Confidentiality: We value the privacy of those we care for. Openness, Honesty: We value being open & honest with each other. Unity: We value being united as a group of elders.
Diversity: We value the diversity of gifts in the eldership. work in their areas of strength Development and Equipping: We value that we are all learners. We also recognize our function as equipper’s. Servant Heart: We value servant leadership based on love. Mentoring: We value the discipleship process.