Effective Reading Instruction Teachers must have: Knowledge of reading curriculum Knowledge about learners- What do they do and what do they know, at home and school? Knowledge of instructional elements High expectations of all students
Reading Curriculum The reading process Comprehension strategies Vocabulary: affected by world knowledge Fluency: expression, phrasing, rate Decoding Response to reading Text selection: just right texts for Independent Reading
LITERACY ELEMENTS Read Aloud Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading SPEAKING & LISTENING OBSERVATION & ASSESSMENT Write Aloud Shared Writing Guided Writing Independent Writing
5 GRADUAL RELEASE OF RESPONSIBILITY MODELLING The teacher demonstrates and explains the literacy focus being taught. This is achieved by thinking aloud the mental processes and modelling the reading, writing, speaking and listening The student participates by actively attending to the demonstrations SHARING The teacher continues to demonstrate the literacy focus, encouraging students to contribute ideas and information Students contribute ideas and begin to practise the use of the literacy focus in whole class situations GUIDING The teacher provides scaffolds for students to use the literacy focus. Teacher provides feedback Students work with help from the teacher and peers to practise the use of the literacy focus APPLYING The teacher offers support and encouragement when necessary The student works independently to apply the use of literacy focus Role of the teacher Role of the student Pearson & Gallagher DEGREE OF CONTROL
PAIRED VERBAL FLUENCY Work in pairs Person A tells Person B everything s/he knows about the topic for about a minute, while number two listens carefully. After the minute is up, Person B tells Person A everything s/he knows about the topic without repeating any ideas for 45 seconds This will be repeated for another two rounds, with a shorter amount of time allocated to each round(30 seconds and 15 seconds) Finally Person B will briefly paraphrase the conversation with the rest of the group.
What is Shared Reading? What is its purpose?
SHARED READING Description Shared Reading is whole class teaching in a supportive environment, using enlarged print and high quality text. Teachers select text well suited to strategic instruction. Students and teachers share the task of reading a text which might otherwise prove too challenging.
SHARED READING Classroom Indicators- Instruction Clear instructional focus e.g. - Text features and structures - Problem-solving - Re-reading and self monitoring - Finding evidence Demonstration of how the reading process works Teaching for effective use of reading strategies High level questioning Where appropriate, teachers schedule opportunities to promote familiarity and memorisation through repeated readings Daily instruction – 20 minutes
SHARED READING Classroom Indicators- Instruction (Continued) Using enlarged text students discover what is relevant to becoming a reader – challenging and deepening thinking, questioning, self monitoring, self correcting, sampling, confirming Using enlarged text to enrich literacy experiences e.g. varying the way texts are presented to clearly emphasise enjoyment Using enlarged text to analyse different text types and styles
SHARED READING Classroom Indicators- Resources Many short, enlarged print text selections charts – short factual and narrative text selections e g. science experiment, newspaper reports, magazines and current affairs websites songs, chants, poems and rhymes big books – all text types Enlarged texts and charts well displayed in easily accessible storage Interactive whiteboard, data projector & overhead projector
How do we identify an instructional focus? Prior observations Assessment Tasks NAPLAN Data VELS Teaching for Reading Strategies
At Level 4, students read, interpret and respond to a wide range of literary, everyday and media texts in print and in multimodal formats. They analyse these texts and support interpretations with evidence drawn from the text. They describe how texts are constructed for particular purposes and audiences, and identify how sociocultural values, attitudes and beliefs are presented in texts. They analyse information, imagery, characterisation, dialogue, point of view, plot and setting. They use strategies such as reading on, using contextual cues, and drawing on knowledge of text organisation when interpreting texts containing unfamiliar ideas and information. VELS LEVEL 4 Reading Statement
SHARED READING Modelled Session
Observation 1 What was the instructional focus? Were the classroom indicators evident?
Observation 2 What was the instructional focus? Were the classroom indicators evident?
How does it look different across year levels?
Breakthrough Fullan Hill and Crevola ] Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency Fountas and Pinnell Western Australia First Steps Second Edition Effective Literacy Practice 1-4 and 5-8 NZ Ministry of Education Victorian Essential Learning Standards DEECD Becoming Literate CLAY 3 level Guide Pearson Reference
Resources Catching onto Comprehension- Pearson NAPLAN resources AIM resources PROBE texts Skyrider Shared Reading Kit Pearson Time for Kids website-