Leading my faculty Students ICT capabilities © Commonwealth of Australia 2009
What do we know about our students? © Commonwealth of Australia 2009 Year 9 students: undergo profound physical, social, emotional and intellectual changes associated with adolescence show great diversity in abilities, interests and achievements miss, on average, 19 days of school per year tend to have poor performance outcomes when not engaged in learning are more likely to be motivated by curriculum that relates to meaningful life events, experiences and questions that are of interest to them want opportunities to make decisions about what and how they learn use digital technologies as tools for both social and educational purposes tend to stay longer at school and complete year 12 when aspirations are well formed, nurtured and encouraged. Published by Education Policy and Research Division, Office for Policy Research and Innovation, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Melbourne, February 2009
Students in the middle years Young adolescents need to: adjust to profound personal changes grow towards independence gain experience in decision making and accept responsibility for decisions gain positive self-confidence through achieving success develop a sense of identity which incorporates a set of personal values establish their own sexual identity gain acceptance, support and respect of their peers develop their capacity for reflective and abstract thinking become more aware of their social and political environments and become more skilled in their interaction with those environments establish and maintain relationships with particular adults who can provide support and act as role models. Adapted from Hargreaves, A and Earl, L 1990, Rights of passage: A review of selected research about schooling in the transition years, Toronto: Ontario Ministry for Education
What do students do with technology? © Commonwealth of Australia 2009 Source: ACER 2007, PISA 2003 Australia: ICT use and familiarity at school and homePISA 2003 Australia: ICT use and familiarity at school and home
Are students confident in the use of ICT? © Commonwealth of Australia 2009 Source: University of Canberra 2008, Students’ voices learning with technologiesStudents’ voices learning with technologies
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