LP 2011 Thinking about Leadership Styles & Leadership Character: The 3 Key Questions The 3 Key Questions Am I comfortable with the likely consequences of this action? Am I meeting my duties and respecting others’ rights? Am I meeting my commitments and my organization’s commitments?
“Leadership is not rank or privileges, titles or money. Leadership is responsibility” (Peter Drucker) But responsibilities to Whom? Stakeholders (Investors, Employees, Customers, Partners, Government, Public) LP 2011 Leadership: Character & Situation
Visibility (the “Newspaper Test”) “Would I be comfortable if this action were described on the front page of a respected newspaper?” Generality (the “Golden Rule Test”) “Would I be comfortable if everyone in a similar situation did this? If someone did this to me? Legacy (the “Obituary Test”) “Is this how I’d like my leadership (or my company) to be remembered? For this to appear in my obituary?” LP Quick Tests for Responsibilities of Leaders