Update on the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme Consultation March - May 2012
Contents Aim of this consultation process About the Scheme Legislative framework Scheme aims and requirements Communicating the Scheme Finding more information
Aims of this consultation process Promote understanding of the Scheme Develop adaptable communication tools that promote understanding of the Scheme to the community and provide advice for consumers seeking recycling options for end-of-life televisions and computers.
Community expectation for managing e-waste Clear expectation amongst the community that waste will be appropriately managed, and where possible, recycled E-waste is growing 3 times faster than any other waste stream There is a pent up demand for these products to be collected and recycled, not only from the community, but also from local government The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme will go a long way towards meeting expectations over the long-term
About the Scheme Increase recycling, decrease television, computer, printer and computer products waste going to landfill Free to the community and small business at designated collection services across metro, regional and remote locations Seamless to the community Designated collection services funded and run by the television and computer industry
About the Scheme Manufacturers and importers of televisions and computers are regulated under the Scheme and are referred to as liable parties Liable parties must join an approved co-regulatory arrangement by the census date each year Failure to meet this obligation could result in substantial penalties
About the Scheme An approved co-regulatory arrangement is a set of activities or measures designed to achieve the outcomes in the regulations Multiple co-regulatory arrangements have been approved Multiple arrangement will encourage competition and increase the level of choice to the community Each approved co-regulatory arrangements will deliver the outcomes set out in the Regulations
Legislative framework Product Stewardship Act 2011 Co-regulatory Voluntary Mandatory Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) Regulations 2011
How does the legislative framework work? The Australian Government will regulate the Scheme and set the outcomes to be achieved by industry Industry will fund and run the Scheme Individual approved co-regulatory arrangements will achieve key outcomes on behalf of the television and computer industry 1. Recycling target 2. Material recovery target 3. Reasonable access to a collection service Local government, recyclers and charities are not regulated under the Scheme
OUTCOME: Recycling target The Scheme aims to lift television and computer recycling from the low rate of 17% in 2010 to 80% by 2021/2022 Recycling means the initial processing of a product, including disassembly or shredding, for the purpose of recovering useable materials
Scheme yearTarget Yearly targets The Regulations specify annual recycling targets in percentage for the Scheme and detail how these targets are calculated Around October each year the Australia Government will publish the Scheme recycling target in tonnes
What does this mean? The Scheme will collect increasing amounts of waste televisions and computers each year Only products covered under by the Scheme will be counted towards the recycling target Only products collected through approved co-regulatory arrangements will be counted towards the recycling target In order to meet this outcome, co-regulatory arrangements will need to obtain documentation from their service providers showing the initial processing has been complete
What does this mean? There will always be some waste collected and recycled outside the Scheme
What does this mean? As the Scheme moves towards the 80% recycling target by year 10, less waste televisions and computers will be collected and recycled outside the Scheme. As less waste televisions and computers are collected outside the Scheme, the cost to state and local government of managing this waste will decrease Increased waste recycled through the Scheme will encourage Australia’s recycling industry to increase its capacity
OUTCOME: Material recovery target Measuring resource recovery is important because televisions and computers contain valuable materials that can be re-used and hazardous substances that are better kept out of the environment Material recovery means the proportion of materials (by weight) that is sent after recycling for processing into useable materials Material recovery target of 90% applies from start allows time to develop consistent measurement and reporting methods
What does this mean? Each approved co-regulatory arrangement must meet the 90% material recovery target - this will be an average of all service providers contracted to that arrangement Parties looking to become a service provider to a co-regulatory arrangement will need to demonstrate they can meet regulatory requirements, including the recycling and material recovery targets
OUTCOME: Reasonable access to a collection service Co-regulatory arrangements must provide reasonable access to services across metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Australia by the end of Collection services may include a permanent drop-off point, local retailers, a take-back event or a mail-back option. Drop-off for households and small business is free at a designated collection service Coverage will also be driven by rising recycling targets
How is reasonable access measured? The Regulations set metrics which draw on the ABS Remoteness Classification Structure Each approved arrangement must meet the metrics Metro areas: at least one service for every 250,000 people in each metro area Inner Regional areas: at least one service within 100km of every town of 10,000 people or more Outer Regional areas: at least one service within 150km of every town of 4,000 people or more Remote areas: at least one service within 200km of every town of 2,000 people or more and at a frequency of at least once every two years
ABS Remoteness Classification Structure
What does this mean? Reasonable access requirements ensure availability of services to households and small business in regional and remote, not just metro areas, by 31 December 2013 Each co-regulatory arrangement must individually meet the reasonable access requirement Collection of products from organisations that are not small businesses does not count towards reasonable access While there is no obligation to provide recycling services free of charge to these organisations, services can be set up through a separate agreement
What does this mean? Collection services will start slowly and build up over time, giving householders and small business more choice for the responsible disposal of televisions and computers Local government, charities and recyclers may need to consider how collection and recycling services are currently provided as the Scheme may not be able to replace these services in its early years Local governments, recyclers and charities should contact the co-regulatory arrangements to discuss access to services in their local area
Environmental and OHS considerations Co-regulatory arrangements will be required to assess the adequacy of environmental, health and safety policies and practices of collection and recycling operators These matters are likely to be included in contracts To ensure consistency in collection and recycling operations, work is being done to develop new standards Australia/New Zealand Standard for the collection, transport, storage and treatment of electrical and electronic equipment Work Health and Safety guidance material for the e-waste recycling industry
Communicating the Scheme Growing interest amongst the community in knowing when the Scheme will be available and what alternative collection and recycling options exist in the local area More information about the Scheme and how it will work is available at As the Scheme rolls out across Australia, co-regulatory arrangements will provide the community with information on what collection services will be available and where products can be taken for free recycling
Communicating the Scheme Key outcome of this consultation process is to provide local government, recyclers and charities with tools to respond appropriately and consistently to the community Seeking feedback through these sessions as to what will work and what will not Preliminary thinking is an electronic toolkit containing printable flyers, posters and factsheets as well as generic articles for newsletters, and electronic media for websites and e-newsletters
Working with co-regulatory arrangements Co-regulatory arrangements will achieve the outcomes in the regulations on behalf of their members, including: Working with stakeholders, such as local government, charities and recyclers Delivering the roll-out timeline Working with stakeholder to determining type and frequency of services Communication activities in the community
Working with co-regulatory arrangements Co-regulatory arrangements and service providers operating collection points or recycling activities will also need to ensure they meet the following regulatory requirements: OHS requirements for collection and recycling of waste televisions and computers Environmental requirements for collection, storage, transport and treatment
Contacting approved co-regulatory arrangements DHL Supply ChainANZ Recycling Platform Mark PhillipsCarmel Dollisson Account Manager - Special ProjectsGeneral Manager Phone: Phone: Mobile: Mobile: E-Cycle Solutions Pty Ltd (televisions only) Sandy McGregor Phone: Fax:
November 2011 – March 2012 Application and assessment phase Enforcement phase against liable parties commences July 2012 – June 2013 First Target Period Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Timeline Liable party census data Arrangement target calculated based on membership ANZ Standard public comment period – 9 weeks WHS Guidance Material consultation period – 10 weeks Communications material circulated
More information Contact the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Website: Subscribe to the e-bulletin via website