Municipal Association of Victoria International Local Government Infrastructure and Asset Management Conference 2 and 3 May 2012
Welcome Cr Bill McArthur President, Municipal Association of Victoria
The next wave of reform and a vision for transport Paul Sullivan Director Strategy, National Transport Commission
A life in asset management Penny Burns AMQ International
Morning tea
Integrating long term financial planning and asset management: a CEOs perspective Ray Burton CEO, Townsville City Council
Delivering the next generation of infrastructure projects amid strong competition for skilled workers Bob Paton CEO, Manufacturing Skills Australia, National Industry Skills Council
Lunch sponsor address Luke Jolly National Sales and Product Manager, Smartfleet Australia
Lunch Proudly presented by Smartfleet Australia
Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and 3D modelling to improve infrastructure management processes and outcomes Richard Simpson, Nextspace and Stephen Webb, US Utility Services
The future of local government: what is possible? John Hennessy Sector Development Consultant, MAV
Maintenance works prioritisation Robert Rowe Asset Manager, Pyrenees Shire Council
Afternoon tea
Risk based asset management: imbedding it in capital investment evaluations/decisions/plans Vito Albicini Director Infrastructure Services, City of Yarra
Service managers versus asset custodians: who does what and why? Gary van Driel General Manager, City Services, City of Greater Geelong
Five ‘quick fixes’ that every council needs to know about John Hunter, Brisbane City Council and Ian Mann, CT Management
Networking function sponsor address Wayne Thompson General Manager, Manheim Victoria
Networking Function Proudly presented by Manheim
Municipal Association of Victoria International Local Government Infrastructure and Asset Management Conference 2 and 3 May 2012
Delivering outcomes for small communities via effective leadership and relationships John McLinden CEO, Loddon Shire Council
The WBC Strategic Alliance of Councils and how it delivers more for less Donna Galvin Executive Manager, WBC Strategic Alliance
Morning tea
The Office of the Heavy Vehicle Regulator: implications for local government Richard Hancock CEO, Office of the Heavy Vehicle Register
Sunshine Coast Sustainable Transport Strategy: plans for a different future Jason Deller Principal Transport Strategic Planner, Sunshine Coast Council
Integrated Project Management at Bayside City Council Guy Wilson-Browne Director Infrastructure Service, Bayside City Council
Lunch Proudly presented by Smartfleet Australia
Director, CT Management Group The Local Government Reform Fund: a national overview of what has been delivered to date with the $25 million fund and The National Local Government Asset and Financial Management Assessment Framework: performance scores to date Ian Mann Director, CT Management Group
Using technology (social media) to better inform each other and deliver improved asset management outcomes: a snapshot from Knox City Council Paul Gallagher Knox City Council
Climate change and impacts on local government infrastructure Dr Jacqueline Balston University of South Australia
A framework for local government for the coming electric vehicle revolution Kristian Handberg Coordinator, Victorian Electric Vehicle Trial Group