Christ Apostolic Church Praise Centre Inc A multicultural and Cross- Cultural Congregation Sunday 9 th October 2011 Message by: Rev. Peter Kekere Senior Pastor
Theme: Seven ( 7) Letter C in Christian Life Biblical Text Romans 12: 1- 21
The 7 Letter C in Christian Life are CommitmentCommunicationConsecrationConcentrationCommunionConfrontation Confirmation
What is Commitment ? According to the Dictionary; Commitment is defined as: 1. The act of committing. 2. The state of being committed. 3. The act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself. 4. A pledge or promise; obligation: We have made a commitment to pay our bills on time. 5. Engagement; involvement; a sincere commitment to religion.
Biblical definition of Commitment Sacrifice – Rom. 12:1-3 Making ourselves to God- Isa. 55:6-7 The beginning of Trusting God- Psalm 37:5 To be consistence continuously Christian obligation To commit to one another Passionate and have compassion Readiness and availability A promise A legal Contract between God and Human beings
Model of Commitment There are 3 type component model of commitment between an employee and organization Affective Commitment: the employee's positive emotional attachment to the organization, who is affectively committed strongly identifies with the goals of the organization and desires to remain a part of the organization Continuance Commitment: The individual commits to the organization because he or she perceives high costs of losing organizational membership Normative Commitment: The individual commits to and remains with an organization because of feelings of obligation
Why Commitment? God through His Son Jesus Christ has committed Himself to us with Agape Love- 1 John. 4:9-10; 1 John. 4:19 It is an obligation for us to commit ourselves to His commandment. John 15:14 His promises and covenant is a commitment to us, Jeremiah 29:11 He requested for our affirmative commitment unto Him at all times and all days of our life, Joshua. 24:14-27 A commitment to His crucifixion, Matt. 16:24-26