IStud 151 – Introduction into Information Organization Semester2, Academic Year
Course Objectives This course aims are understanding the concept of organizing knowledge,the way that information level is organized and demonstrate the organizing method. After completing this course, The student will have the knowledge in: The information origination philosophy. The Tools for organizing knowledge. The primary roles for organizing information.
Course subject Knowledge, information and their organization Organizing information what is means Formatting and structuring knowledge Organizing knowledge in the digital environment Describing Documents Users and user behavior The evaluation and design of information retrieval systems Management of knowledge system Metadata & Semantic web
Lab IKAS ( Information Knowledge Access system) HTML Search Engine Usability
Textbook Chowdhury, G.G. and Chowdhury, Sudatta (2007). Organizing information from the shelf to the web. Facet Publishing. The subjectThe chapter number Knowledge, information and their organization Chapter1 Knowledge Formatting and structuring Chapther2 Organizing knowledge in the digital environment Chapter9 Describing DocumentsChapter3 Users and user behaviorChapter4 The evaluation and design of information retrieval systems Chapter 10 Management of knowledge systemChpter12
Textbook Taylor, Arlene G. The Organization of Information - Second Edition. Libraries Unlimited.Taylor, Arlene G. The chapters : subjectChapter number Organizing information what is means Ch1 Metadata & semantic webCh8
Grading Policies 40% ( 2 midterms each 20%). 12% Lab (Assignment 10% - evaluation 2%) Quiz 1=8% 40% Final. There is bonus for full Attendance
Important data Mid1 : Sun Mid2 : Sun Quiz :Mon
Course blog
Class Rules No late Assignment will be accepted. Copying the Assignment will not be allowed. Print the lab sheet and bring it with you at the lab time. No makeup quiz. Cheating in any form will not be accepted.