Implementing terminology requires supporting tools Tools required are highly dependant on the type of implementation Covered in this presentation ◦ Types of implementation activities ◦ Types of tools required ◦ Description of some available tools 2
Setting the scene… 3
This presentation mentions tools and vendors as examples ◦ but doesn’t imply how good, bad or otherwise these tools are ◦ and can’t cover all known tools Where to find more ◦ Australian Clinical Terminologies User’s Group ◦ Available Terminology Products and Services forum page Available Terminology Products and Services 4
Systems have existing code sets Native replacement can be expensive and time consuming Mapping can be used for interoperability …however remember that maintenance of maps can also be costly Tooling needed - Mapping 5
Store SNOMED CT / AMT codes in records Display SNOMED CT / AMT preferred terms Searching functionality with context based filtering Custom widgets for screen use Create and maintain value sets Load new terminology versions Retrieve/analyse SNOMED CT / AMT encoded data Tooling needed - User interface guidance and widgets - Process/manipulate release files (RF2) - Querying/searching - Reference set authoring - Mapping Tooling needed - User interface guidance and widgets - Process/manipulate release files (RF2) - Querying/searching - Reference set authoring - Mapping 6
Customise language preferences Add descriptions Add concepts Natural language processing Store/process/render SNOMED CT expressions Tooling needed - Localisation/authoring - Natural language processing service - Compare and interpret SNOMED CT expressions Tooling needed - Localisation/authoring - Natural language processing service - Compare and interpret SNOMED CT expressions 7
Terminology distribution Terminology configuration management Conversion to proprietary formats Customise language preferences Query support Add descriptions Add concepts Central real-time access to terminology services Tooling needed - Terminology servers/services - Localisation/authoring - Browsing - Compliance/testing Tooling needed - Terminology servers/services - Localisation/authoring - Browsing - Compliance/testing 8
Browsing Process/manipulate release files (RF2) Mapping Reference set authoring User interface guidance and widgets Terminology servers/services Localisation/authoring Compare and interpret SNOMED CT expressions Natural language processing Compliance/testing 10
Not all possible tools are listed in this presentation – there are othersthere are others Listing of tools in this presentation doesn’t state how good, bad or otherwise the tools are Tools are listed in no particular order Tools won’t necessarily cover all features on the slide on which they are listed, but will have some relevant capabilities You don’t need all of these tools – depends on what you are doing 11
Example capabilitiesExisting tools Hierarchy/taxonomy view Concept definition and relationships Preferred and alternate terms Searching – syntactic and semantic SNOMED CT expression handling Export features Diagramming Browse/view reference sets Web based ◦ Federation Health Browser Federation Health Browser ◦ Healthbase AMT Explorer Healthbase AMT Explorer ◦ SnoFlake SnoFlake Download and install ◦ Snapper/Minnow SnapperMinnow ◦ IHTSDO Workbench Viewer IHTSDO Workbench Viewer ◦ SNOyowie SNOyowie ◦ SNOB SNOB ◦ CliniClue CliniClue ◦ Snow Owl Snow Owl …many, many moremore 12
Example capabilitiesExisting tools Import/transform SNOMED CT RF2 files Interpret Australian Dialect Reference Set Import and use reference sets Subsumption and transitive closure Process/export to proprietary formats NCTIS Reference Set Guide Application SNOMED CT Technical Implementation Guide SNOMED CT Technical Implementation Guide Snofyre Snofyre 13
Capabilities requiredExisting tools Two distinct types of mapping ◦ local code set to SNOMED CT / AMT ◦ SNOMED CT / AMT to other code systems (e.g. ICD) “Auto” mapping Workflow management Version management Map maintenance SNOMED CT expression handling Snapper Snapper IHTSDO Workbench CareCom HealthTerm CareCom HealthTerm HLI LExScape HLI LExScape Apelon TermWorks Apelon TermWorks 14
Example capabilitiesExisting tools Browse/view reference sets Create new reference sets based on ◦ Individual concept selection ◦ Queries/searches/expressions ◦ Existing reference sets (unions, intersections etc) Maintain reference sets ◦ Update based on changes to underlying terminology Manage reference set versions and history IHTSDO Workbench IHTSDO Workbench Snapper Snapper HLI LExScape HLI LExScape CareCom HealthTerm CareCom HealthTerm Ocean Subset Builder Ocean Subset Builder Apelon TDE Apelon TDE Snow Owl Snow Owl 15
Example capabilitiesExisting tools Guidance on user interface design/layout Widgets for integration in applications Microsoft Common User Interface Microsoft Common User Interface CliniThink CLIP CliniThink CLIP 16
Example capabilitiesExisting tools Realtime ◦ Basic lookup ◦ Value set retrieval ◦ Searching – syntactic/semantic ◦ Expression processing Management ◦ Version management ◦ Conversion/export ◦ Publication/distribution ◦ Localisation/authoring ◦ Reference set authoring ◦ Mapping Apelon DTS Apelon DTS HLI Language Engine HLI Language Engine CareCom HealthTerm CareCom HealthTerm Mondeca Mondeca Conceptual Conceptual Snofyre Snofyre Ocean Terminology Server Ocean Terminology Server CTS2 CTS2 17
Example capabilitiesExisting tools Customise language preferences (Australian Dialect Reference Set) Create descriptions Create new concepts Classify IHTSDO Workbench IHTSDO Workbench Apelon TDE Apelon TDE HLI LExScape HLI LExScape CareCom HealthTerm CareCom HealthTerm Mondeca Mondeca Snow Owl Snow Owl Snorocket Snorocket 18
Example capabilitiesExisting tools Render expressions Compare expressions Store and retrieve expressions Convert between forms Snofyre Snofyre Snorocket Snorocket Snapper/Minnow SnapperMinnow CliniThink CLIP CliniThink CLIP 19
Example capabilitiesExisting tools Process text to SNOMED CT and/or AMT ◦ Individual concepts ◦ Expressions Render SNOMED CT expressions to natural language CliniThink CLIP CliniThink CLIP CSIRO AEHRC CSIRO AEHRC University of Sydney University of Sydney 20
Example capabilitiesExisting tools Validate release file ◦ Format ◦ Structure ◦ Integrity Report on terminology errors Developer level tools under development at IHTSDO 21
Depends upon what you are doing Native implementation ◦ Mapping and browsing ◦ Localisation/authoring ◦ Reference set authoring Advanced native implementations ◦ Expression handling ◦ Natural language processing ◦ Custom widgets ◦ RF2 processing / terminology server 23
Enterprise terminology management ◦ Mapping and reference set authoring and management ◦ Localisation/authoring ◦ Distribution and configuration management ◦ Load, conversion and export to proprietary formats ◦ Real-time terminology service ◦ Compliance/testing 24
Local coding system, mapping at boundary ◦ Browsing ◦ Mapping 25