0 Communication Rights Strategic Plan
1 Key Objective Strategy Pyramid “ Communication Rights is Victoria ’ s leading advocacy and information group dedicated to meeting and upholding the wide-ranging needs and human rights of people with little or no speech ” We are a state-based, independent body determined to continue to deliver excellent results 1. Operational Excellence 1.1 Diverse and sustainable revenue sources 1.2 Effective cost control management 2. Best Practice Service Delivery 2.1 Individual, Human Rights and Systemic Advocacy 2.2 Information, Outreach, Consultation, Education
2 Key Objective #1: Operational Excellence 1.1 (a) Establish avenues for diversification of funding through networks, partnerships and Government engagement. (b) Develop options for Corporate sponsorship. (c) Meet all funding requirements to ensure enduring funding (d) Charge for consultation to tertiary/service providers where and when appropriate (e) Monthly directors review actual vs. budget revenue sources, including projections 1.2. (a) Annual budgeting process, reviewed actual vs. budget monthly at board meetings (b) Explore shared cost options, e.g. partnerships and other arrangements (c) Request review of pricing from key service suppliers (e.g. landlord, telecommunication provider etc) (d) Financial returns prepared by appropriate qualified auditor with specific skills in NFP sector.
3 Key Objective #2: Best Practice Delivery Model 2.1 (a) Audit changes in legislative framework and government policies that impact on services. (b) Review service of like organisations interstate and overseas (annual) (c) Monitor number and responses of individual advocacy cases (quarterly) (d) Maintain reporting database and review this in line with DHS requirements (quarterly) (e) Refresh board sector knowledge through biannual staff presentation reflecting human rights data, and sector representative forum (semi-annually). (f ) Investigate knowledge management systems that would add value to the organisation. 2.2 (a) Scheduled review of policies and procedures at board level (b) Quarterly case study presented to board members on individual advocacy (c) Annual case study presented to board members on outreach and community education