Developing an Individual Health Care Plan in NSW Public Schools Developing and implementing individual health care plans for students with complex health care support needs.
Who supports individual student health? The health of students is relevant to their learning and is important to schools. Principals, staff, parents, health professionals and students all have a role to play in the effective support of students’ health needs. The NSW Department of Education and Communities works in partnership with NSW Health on health issues.NSW Health
How do schools support student health care needs? Schools provide support to individual students by: consulting with parents administering prescribed medication in response to parents’ written requests and in consultation with staff and parents administering prescribed medication administering health care procedures in response to parents’ written requests and in consultation with staff and parents administering health care procedures continued
How do schools support student health care needs? cont. Schools provide support to individual students by: developing and implementing individual health care plans for students with more complex needs developing and implementing individual health care plans communicating relevant information about the student’s health conditions to other members of the school community on a ‘need to know’ basis to ensure the student’s safety using and storing information with due regard to issues of privacy and confidentiality staff training and support
What is an individual health care plan? A written individual health care plan:written individual health care plan is initiated by the principal is developed in consultation with parents/carers and healthcare professionals formalises the plan of support for students who have complex health care support needs
Which students will need an individual health care plan? A principal will initiate an individual health care plan which must be developed for: severe asthma, type 1 diabetes, epilepsy and anaphylaxis severe asthmatype 1 diabetesepilepsyanaphylaxis any student who is diagnosed as being at risk of an emergency any student who requires the administration of specific health care procedures
What are specific health care procedures? These are particular procedures performed to maintain the health of students with high support needs while they are at school. These can include: administration of prescribed medication administration of asthma treatments implementation of action plan for anaphylaxisaction plan for anaphylaxis catheter care tube feeding suctioning infection prevention
Can other students have an individual health care plan? Yes Principals will decide whether a written individual health care plan will be developed in other cases where it will assist, eg: where a number of staff have different roles that need to be co- ordinated where for some other reason the support is complex to manage in the particular school where the school submits an application for an escort for a student for medical reasons, to the Assisted School Travel Program.Assisted School Travel Program
What is included in an individual health care plan? The individual health care plan will:individual health care plan specify the student's specific health care needs describe agreed actions to meet these needs include emergency phone numbers for ambulance, the parent and an emergency contact include the phone number of the student's medical practitioner(s).
What is included in an individual health care plan? The individual health care plan will also include attachments as relevant, eg: an emergency care/response planemergency care/response plan a statement of the agreed responsibilities of different people involved in support a schedule for the administration of prescribed medication a schedule for the administration of health care procedures an authorisation to contact the medical practitioner.authorisation to contact the medical practitioner.
When should plans be reviewed? Individual health care plans should be reviewed: annually when the parent notifies the school that the student’s health needs have changed or by the principal at other times.
Further information NSW Public Schools Website Supporting Students: Student Health Policies Student Health in NSW Public Schools Occupational health and safety Intranet Injury Management, health and wellbeing Other NSW Health Factsheets : Infectious diseases. Factsheets