contents First Australians Aboriginal culture The Origin Of Water 18 th Century England The First Fleet The voyage of the first fleet Bound for Botany bay (2 slides)
First Australians First Australians that were on Australia were the aboriginals. They are the black people They were here thousands of years ago
My picture is about a kangaroo And water he is trying to sneak to get the water
The origin of water Predict I think the aboriginals used their tools to dig a hole. After the rainbow serpent came and started spitting in the holes and they started drinking the water and liked it summarize The blue tongue lizard didn’t share the water so The animals gathered for a meeting and asked the bandicoot to spy wherever he went but when he got caught so jiggirrjiggirr tried the same thing but got caught too the rat said he would spy but everyone laughed. He tried and didn’t get caught and got the water. Feelings All the animals were angry at the blue tongue lizard because he had the good water Questions Why would a blue tongue lizard be so greedy? Moral Little things make a big difference
18 th century England In the 18 century you would gut hung if you committed a crime even if you were young! If you had know one to look after you would be in an orphanage and get little amount of food! In England 18 th century some of the people lived on farms In the 18 th century England some people stole to survive In the 18 th century England the orphans would not let you have more food if you asked for more In the 18 th century lots of people died from starvation
The first fleet Hi my name is joseph Owen and that is my full name. I was sent to this mysterious place for receiving stolen goods. I am a boy. My crime was worth 6 shillings. My place of trial was Shrewsbury in London My age leaving England was 67
England Rio de jinero Tasmania Botany bay Africa Cape town
Bound for botany bay Who is singing this song? Convicts on the boats Why are they singing it? To entertain themselves Why are they saying ‘farewell to Old England forever?’ because they think they wont survive that long Where were they going? Why? They were going to a strange land they didn’t know which was botany bay
Bound for botany bay 2