Head Teacher Forum 23 June 2010 Managing your business! Code of Conduct Update Tina Renshaw – Regional Human Resources Manager
Ambition in Action Settings standards for conduct and ensuring accountability /We can’t hold colleagues accountable for a standard we haven’t made clear /Giving feedback – Building a Productive Workplace training /Understanding a reasonable instruction, lawful direction /“unreasonable, unjust or harsh”
Ambition in Action Conversation framework for setting/clarifying expectations: 1.The main reason your role exists is to.. 2.You will know when you are doing this job well when.. 3.The key important tasks and deadlines are… 4.In doing the job well some of the important standards and expectations of the role are… 5.As well as this. It is important that you also Work effectively with Build good relationships with Complete the requirements for 6.The way we can measure and see if you are doing a good job is.. 7.The benefits to you of doing the job/task are..
Ambition in Action Who has to comply with the Code of Conduct? This Code of Conduct applies to all employees of the NSW Department of Education and Training, including the TAFE NSW whether employed on a permanent, temporary or casual basis. It also applies to members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) who must also comply with the current: Code of Conduct and Ethics for Public Sector Executives.
Ambition in Action By accepting employment with the Department, you must be aware of and comply with this Code Therefore you must: engage in personal or professional conduct that upholds the reputation of the Department apply the Department’s policies and procedures act ethically and responsibly, and be accountable for your actions and decisions
Ambition in Action As an employee, you should be aware of the Department’s policies, procedures and delegations, particularly those that apply to your work. Many of these are available online; others may be made available to you through induction and training and development programs. If you are uncertain about the scope or content of a policy with which you must comply, you should seek clarification from your supervisor or the policy owner. You should also be familiar with the legislation under which you are employed as this may specify requirements with which you need to comply. Managers are required to tell their staff about this essential information and to make the documents readily accessible to them.
Ambition in Action As a departmental employee, you are expected to: perform your duties to the best of your ability and be accountable for your performance follow reasonable instructions given by a supervisor comply with a lawful direction carry out your duties in a professional, competent and conscientious manner while seeking suitable opportunities to improve your knowledge and skills, including through participation in relevant professional development act honestly and in good faith in providing advice or service that is honest, impartial and comprehensive, irrespective of your personal views on a matter be courteous and responsive in dealing with your colleagues, students and members of the public work collaboratively with your colleagues be mindful of your duty to the safety of yourself and others and be aware that your conduct has the potential to damage the reputation of the Department, even if it is in a private capacity, this could lead to disciplinary action.
Ambition in Action At times you may not personally agree with all decisions made by your managers. You may also have personal views that differ from those of the elected Government or the Department’s management. However, your views should not interfere or be seen to interfere with the performance of your duties, nor can they take precedence over the Department’s or Government policy and decisions. You are required to comply with reasonable instruction related to your work. If you consider an instruction unreasonable, you should say so to the person issuing the instruction in a civil manner, giving you reasons for concern and allowing the person an opportunity to respond. If after the response you are still concerned or object to the instruction you may seek advice at the next management level. You are not prevented from seeking the advice of you Union at any time. Managers should be open to constructive questions regarding their instructions. They have a responsibility to respond appropriately and promote collaborative and collegial workplaces.
Ambition in Action Feedback directed at behaviour and attitude This methodology aims to focus on the behaviour/attitude, the gap in expectations, the impact of his performance and what needs to be done: /What is happening – observed behaviour /Why is it a problem – impact or consequences /How others see it – the conclusions /What next - outline the changes required in behaviour/attitude and what you want to see. Finish the conversation with:“The Code of Conduct sets out that my expectations of you are a reasonable instruction and you are expected to follow them”
Ambition in Action If the behaviour or attitude does not meet the standards despite the reasonable instruction If subsequently your team member does not follow the reasonable instruction you have the same conversation but this time end with: “I am now issuing you with a lawful direction that your behaviour/attitude must meet the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct. I have outlined to you where your conduct is not currently meeting the standards and explained the changes in conduct that I require. If you fail to comply with a lawful direction it may result in an allegation of misconduct which could result in disciplinary action”
Ambition in Action What next? /An allegation of misconduct should be managed by an Assistant Director or College Director. /HR will guide them through the process as it is a formal process
Ambition in Action Want to know more or practise? /Great new resources for the Code of Conduct /Just in time learning sessions on Sydney that compliment our Building a Productive Workplace training - they give you scripts and scenarios for giving similar feedback /Revisit your workbook for Building a Productive Workplace training