There are two type of Grasslands, Temperate Grassland and Tropical Grassland. The diffreience of Temperate Grassland and Tropical Grassland is that Temperate Grassland have lots more green grass than Tropical Grassland. Temperate Grassland and Tropical Grassland
What animals are in grassland? Giraffes, Zebras, Kangaroos, Mice, Moles, Gophers, Ground Squirrels, Snakes, Lions, Leopards, hyenas, Elephants, Hawks, Aardvarks, Wolves, Pumas, Deers, Horses, Buffalos, Coyotes, Bobcats, Rhinos, Tigers, Rabbits, dogs, Hyenas, Impalas, Gazelles, Foxes, Emus, Cows, Deers, Rabbits, Coyotes, Snakes, Weasels, owls,, Cheetahs, Pigs, Ostrichs, and maybe some more. Giraffes, Zebras, Kangaroos, Mice, Moles, Gophers, Ground Squirrels, Snakes, Lions, Leopards, hyenas, Elephants, Hawks, Aardvarks, Wolves, Pumas, Deers, Horses, Buffalos, Coyotes, Bobcats, Rhinos, Tigers, Rabbits, dogs, Hyenas, Impalas, Gazelles, Foxes, Emus, Cows, Deers, Rabbits, Coyotes, Snakes, Weasels, owls,, Cheetahs, Pigs, Ostrichs, and maybe some more.
Cheethats is the fastest runner in the would, it can run 97km per hour. Giraffes is the tallest animal in the world it can be as tall as 5.5m. Elephants is the heaviest animal on ground a full gorw Elephant can weight 4500kg.
Ostrichs is the biggest bird that can't fly. African buffalos is the fiercest animal in Grassland even lions scared of them.
Butterflies Shield bugs Centipedes Slugs Worms Snails Earwigs Grasshoppers Dragonflies Spiders Beetles Ants Ladybirds Mosquitos and more Leaf bugs Millipedes Bees Flies
Dung beeltes is the only beelte that eat poo. African bees is very danger it kill more then one hundred people!
Special Plants Baobab is a very special types of tree in Tropical Grassland. The skin of the Baobab can use to make basketball, mat and so on. Roots and leaves can be use to make medicine. Flower can make sorft drink or lolly. So this is why Baobab is so special. Some other special plant: Milkweed and June grass.
Tropical grasslands have two types of seasons: Dry season and rainy season. Some grasslands are hot all year round Temperate grasslands typically exist between deserts and forests. The soil in tropical grasslands is porous. Intersting Facts.
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