DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Construction Industry Forum Territory Road Strategy and Management Presentation – 30 May 2013 Ernie Wanka Executive Director Roads
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Strategic Context for the Roads Strategy Challenges and $’s Strategy Themes and Actions Australian Government Funding and Submissions Conclusions Questions INTRODUCTION
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 1.Cut Labor’s waste and reduce debt 2.Strengthen law and order 3.Grow a ‘3-Hub’ economy - mining and energy; tourism and education; food and exports. 4.Plan properly for the future of the Northern Territory 5.Be accountable 1.Cut Labor’s waste and reduce debt 2.Strengthen law and order 3.Grow a ‘3-Hub’ economy - mining and energy; tourism and education; food and exports. 4.Plan properly for the future of the Northern Territory 5.Be accountable STRATEGIC CONTEXT FOR NT ROADS STRATEGY STRONG, 5 POINT PLAN
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT STRATEGIC CONTEXT FOR NT ROADS STRATEGY STRATEGIC PRIORITIESPRIORITY THEMES 5 POINT PLAN 3.Grow a ‘3-Hub’ economy - mining and energy; tourism and education; food and exports. 4.Plan properly for the future of the Northern Territory 5 POINT PLAN 3.Grow a ‘3-Hub’ economy - mining and energy; tourism and education; food and exports. 4.Plan properly for the future of the Northern Territory
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT CHALLENGES AND $s LARGE AREA 1.3 Million Km 2 50% of Land Mass is Aboriginal Land POPULATION 230,000 Transport task is growing Traffic Mix LARGE NETWORK 36,000 KM Majority of Roads Unsealed (76%) Climactic conditions - Tropical North (Cyclones) - Arid Centre (Droughts) Poor Road Safety Statistics Aging Network I I Increasing User Expectations High Construction Costs
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT CHALLENGES AND $s Program ($m) Cash ($m) National Networks Territory Roads Total Australian Govt $’s Northern Territory $’s TOTAL134.6
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Program ($m) National Networks Territory Roads Total Australian Govt $’s Northern Territory $’s TOTAL CHALLENGES AND $s
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 1.NT Urban Arterial Roads Strategy - new /upgrading major roads in urban centres 2.Investigate innovative project and program delivery methodologies 3.Work with the Planning Commission 4.Develop road networks in Major Remote Towns in line with new town plans STRATEGIC THEMES AND ACTIONS
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 1.Develop high standard access to ports and rail heads (e.g. Duplication of Berrimah Road to Port) 2.Facilitate major industrial and commercial developments (e.g. Ichthys Project) 3.Explore user pays and cost sharing arrangements 4.Upgrade arterial roads to support primary industries (e.g. Central Arnhem Road) 5.Develop road network supporting tourism (Tourism Masterplan/ Australia’s Timeless North) STRATEGIC THEMES AND ACTIONS
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 1.Implement Regional Roads Productivity Package ($106 million NBP2) 2.Implement the Roads to Recovery Program - $23 million NTG / $28 million to local government councils 3.Develop employment and training capacity in remote road contracts 4.Develop options for better management of local roads 5.Resolve road corridor land tenure on Aboriginal land STRATEGIC THEMES AND ACTIONS
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 1.Implement Road Safety and Fatigue Management Program on the National Network 2.Urban Traffic Management Improvements 3.AG Blackspot Program ($1M per year) and HVSPP 4.NT Roads – Safety amenities – Truck Parking, Rest Areas 5.Improve Road Condition Reporting 6.Delivery of Road Safety Education and Awareness Programs STRATEGIC THEMES AND ACTIONS
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Asset Management 1.National Network - Pavement Strengthening and Widening ($32.8M) - Repairs and Maintenance ($21M) 2.NT Roads Rural and Urban Arterials and Secondary Local Roads Pavement Strengthening and Widening ($5M) 3.NT Roads Repairs and Maintenance ($74M) 4.Continue condition surveys and analysis at network level to measure performance STRATEGIC THEMES AND ACTIONS
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT The Environment 1.Review and implement Cyclepath plans for Darwin, Palmerston, Alice Springs, Katherine and Tennant Creek 2.Continue to implement Landscape Plans for urban areas- Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs STRATEGIC THEMES AND ACTIONS
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 1.Commenced operating in Queensland on 21 January 2013 offering a limited range of services (NHV accreditation on Performance Based Standards) 2.Jurisdictions are working towards 1 September 2013 to endorse the NHVR to operate nationally 3.NT Government is not yet convinced that the benefits outweigh the costs National Heavy Vehicle Regulator STRATEGIC THEMES AND ACTIONS
AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT FUNDING AND SUBMISSIONS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT NATION BUILDING PROGRAM 2 The Nation Building Program 2 will commence in for another 5 year program The Australian Government have committed to two Nation Building 2 projects: The Regional Roads Productivity Package ($106 million); and Tiger Brennan Drive CBD to Berrimah Road Duplication ($103 million) Plus a commitment to fund repairs and maintenance on the National Network In the Australian Government Budget announcements, the funding has dropped from $474 million for the five years from to to almost half this amount to $244 million
AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT FUNDING AND SUBMISSIONS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Road Projects Australian Government $90m Northern Territory Government $16m Total Package $106m Roper Highway. High level bridges over the Roper and Wilton Rivers Port Keats Road - flood immunity improvement at Moyle River Floodplain Santa Teresa Road – commence sealing from Santa Teresa to Alice Springs Buntine Highway - targeted strengthening, widening and sealing works Arnhem Link Road - upgrade 30 km low standard flat-bladed track to gravel standard Central Arnhem Road – construction of new bridge over Rocky Bottom Creek Regional Roads Productivity Package
Regional Infrastructure Fund 1. Supporting Resource Sector Development Planning Report - $1.5m Transport Infrastructure Utilities (power, water and waste water) for Communities that support mining General community Infrastructure for Communities that support mining or regional hubs 2. Upgrades to the Tanami Road - $100 to $300m Application submitted under the newly developed Remote Indigenous Policy Framework Six options were identified to upgrade the road All options included extending the seal for various lengths DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT FUNDING AND SUBMISSIONS
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT CONCLUSION The challenge is to implement the strategy and improve the management of the road network Monitoring and management systems in place Sustainability in terms of capital and maintenance investment by implementing “whole of life” costing principles and maximising available resources Partnerships and Innovations
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Thank you - Questions?