National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions Reform of schooling through collaborative efforts with the States and Territories, to improve educational outcomes
National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions On the 30 th April COAG agreed on a “Compact for Youth” on Youth Attainment and Transitions. This Agreement was for States and Territories to achieve an attainment rate of 90 per cent by 2015 for young people aged Attainment Rate meaning: A Year 12 Certificate by a Board of Studies (WACE); or An equivalent qualification e.g. International Baccalaureate or Certificate II or higher qualification issued by an RTO
National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions The current suite of Federal Government Career Development programs include: On-the-job training commitment Local Community Partnerships (LCPs) (213 regions- 23 in WA): structured workplace learning, career and transition support, adopt a school. Mentors for our students commitment Regional Industry Career Advisors (RICAs) National Industry Career Specialists (NICS) Youth Pathways (100 regions) Connections (60 sites) Youth Linx National Career Development The current programs are being consolidated and streamlined into 4 new elements and will conclude on the 31 st December 2009 The Commonwealth will transfer responsibility to States and Territories over time in the 3 key elements
National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions ELEMENT 4 Career Development ELEMENT 1 Maximising Engagement, Attainment and Successful Transitions ELEMENT 2 School Business Community Partnership Brokers ELEMENT 3 Youth Connections
Maximising Engagement, Attainment and Successful Transitions Career Development Learning Pathways Mentoring Funding in 2009: Quality on the Job Workplace Learning Funding 2010 to 2013: Funding will be provided to schools under the National Partnerships Agreement with new guidelines and criteria for funding National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions
ELEMENT 2 School Business Community Partnership Brokers WA $18,380,000) about 10% of total pool The Brokers will be responsible for improving community, parent and business engagement with schools and registered training organizations, to extend learning beyond the classroom, increase student engagement, deepens learning experiences, lift attainment and improve educational outcomes Twelve (12) Partnership Brokers available for tender. These follow the Education districts (14 down to 12 with the amalgamation of Narrogin and Midlands and Goldfields and Esperance). All funds will go to the School Business Community Partnership Brokers. An outcomes reporting framework is being developed which focus on strategic changes National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions
ELEMENT 3 Youth Connections WA $29,677,000) about 10% of total poo l Youth Connections will target students under a four (4) tier system of young people most at risk of disengaging: * Short term intervention and case management - 20% of the funding * Severely disengaged or who are disengaging- 60% * Re-engaging and outreach activities- 10% * Servicing the region (working with the Partnership Brokers)- 10% All funds will go to the Youth connection service providers to provide a ‘safety net’ for students at risk National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions
ELEMENT 4 National Career Development $40.061m from January 2010 to June 2013 The Commonwealth will maintain responsibility for National Career Development, providing funding for a range of national projects and resources for the benefit of all States and Territories, such as: * Myfuture, Job Guide, Recap, Real Game, Bullseye & Career Information Posters * Scholarships for Career Development Practitioners * Teacher Industry Exchange Programs and School Industry Forums * Parents Talking Career Choices * Australian Blueprint for Career Development
Maximising Engagement, Attainment and Successful Transitions Career Development Learning Pathways Mentoring Funding in 2009 Quality on the Job Workplace Learning Funding in 2010 to 2013: Funding will be provided to schools under the National Partnerships Agreement with new guidelines and criteria for funding National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions
Career Development e.g. Providing high quality career development and pathway planning, involving business and Industry and parents Learning Pathways e.g. Creating opportunities to extend learning beyond the classroom, improving access to workplace learning, flexible timetabling Mentoring e.g. Increasing the provision of a variety of meaningful quality mentoring opportunities or training programs and trained mentors National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions
Schools Youth Connection Service Providers WA Career Centres Service Providers SBC Partnership Brokers Strategic Industry Bodies, Community Groups and Parents National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions DET WA have also called for tenders for 12 Career Centres to act as service providers. These will complement the work of the School Business community Partnership Brokers and replace the current 23 Employment Directions (EDN) service providers