Patient Contact Careers Naomi Cox Product Specialist and Territory Manager- St Jude Medical Australia
St Jude Medical Aust Global company manufacturing cardiology products Global company manufacturing cardiology products Pacemakers Pacemakers Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs) Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs) Electrophysiology catheters Electrophysiology catheters Heart valves Heart valves Stents Stents
St Jude Medical Aust Currently work in Cardiac Rhythm Management Division Currently work in Cardiac Rhythm Management Division Assist cardiologists/cardiac surgeons with pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator implants Assist cardiologists/cardiac surgeons with pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator implants Pacemaker follow-ups and clinics Pacemaker follow-ups and clinics Education of doctors, nurses and cardiac technologist Education of doctors, nurses and cardiac technologist Patient education Patient education Business role-responsible for a budget (big one!) Business role-responsible for a budget (big one!)
Career path Always wanted to be a doctor! Always wanted to be a doctor! Did well in VCE-interview for med at Monash but did not get in…devastated Did well in VCE-interview for med at Monash but did not get in…devastated Decided to do BSc (Biomedical) and later (?) transfer to medicine Decided to do BSc (Biomedical) and later (?) transfer to medicine
Career path BSc (Biomed) BSc (Biomed) Anatomy Anatomy Physiology Physiology Why did I decide to do these subjects? Why did I decide to do these subjects? Because both subject interested me! Because both subject interested me!
Career path How did I find my first job? How did I find my first job? Through a friend of a friend of a friend…. Through a friend of a friend of a friend…. Ask your friends, family, colleagues - use your contacts! Ask your friends, family, colleagues - use your contacts! register with employment agency register with employment agency read newpapers/employment websites and send out resumes read newpapers/employment websites and send out resumes First job was as a dialysis technician at the Royal Melbourne Hospital (renal failure patients) First job was as a dialysis technician at the Royal Melbourne Hospital (renal failure patients)
Career path Dialysis technician for 18 months and decided I wanted a change Dialysis technician for 18 months and decided I wanted a change Accepted to do medicine but declined the offer Accepted to do medicine but declined the offer Looked at internal employment board at RMH and decided to apply for a cardiac technologist position without knowing anything about the job. Looked at internal employment board at RMH and decided to apply for a cardiac technologist position without knowing anything about the job.
Career path Thoroughly enjoyed area of Cardiology Thoroughly enjoyed area of Cardiology interpret ECGs interpret ECGs analyse holters analyse holters stress tests stress tests tilt table tests tilt table tests haemodynamic monitoring in catheter lab haemodynamic monitoring in catheter lab pacemaker and defibrillator checks pacemaker and defibrillator checks
Career path Poached by pacemaker company Poached by pacemaker company Role at St Jude: Role at St Jude: Clinical Support Specialist Clinical Support Specialist Product Specialist Product Specialist In this work I use both anatomy and physiology knowledge learned at university In this work I use both anatomy and physiology knowledge learned at university Also need to be aware of latest studies and clinical trials in arrhythmia and heart failure management so need to know how to interpret scientific papers Also need to be aware of latest studies and clinical trials in arrhythmia and heart failure management so need to know how to interpret scientific papers
Typical day Day 1 post operation check Day 1 post operation check Find patient on the hospital ward Find patient on the hospital ward Have a chat to patient and ask how they are feeling and answer any questions they may have (usually there are many!) Have a chat to patient and ask how they are feeling and answer any questions they may have (usually there are many!) Perform pacemaker check using programmer Perform pacemaker check using programmer Call implanting physician with results and inform nurse looking after the patient Call implanting physician with results and inform nurse looking after the patient
Pacemaker implant Meet patient in trolley bay outside theatre or cathlab and talk them through what to expect from operation Meet patient in trolley bay outside theatre or cathlab and talk them through what to expect from operation Prep patient for surgery and help set up lab Prep patient for surgery and help set up lab Discuss product to be used for the patient with doctor Discuss product to be used for the patient with doctor
Pacemaker implant Cont… Be the ‘eyes and ears’ for the doctor whilst he/she is implanting.
Pacemaker implant cont If implanting a defibrillator induce arrhythmia and shock patient If implanting a defibrillator induce arrhythmia and shock patient Check the device post operatively to make sure leads have not moved Check the device post operatively to make sure leads have not moved Patients with pacemakers/ICDs must come for follow-ups on a regular basis ~6 months Patients with pacemakers/ICDs must come for follow-ups on a regular basis ~6 months Follow up is done in conjunction with physician Follow up is done in conjunction with physician Pacemaker/ICD clinic
Other duties Education for nurses/techs/doctors Education for nurses/techs/doctors Sales calls to implanting physicians and inform them of latest technology Sales calls to implanting physicians and inform them of latest technology Pre and post op checks for major operations Pre and post op checks for major operations Clinical trials Clinical trials
Future prospects Started a Master of Public Health at Alfred Hospital (Monash Uni, Melbourne Uni, Deakin Uni consortium) to learn more about clinical trials Started a Master of Public Health at Alfred Hospital (Monash Uni, Melbourne Uni, Deakin Uni consortium) to learn more about clinical trials 3 year course part-time 3 year course part-time
Take home message Not getting into medicine was not the end of the world for me! Not getting into medicine was not the end of the world for me! There are many other career options that can be just as rewarding that you may not even know about or have considered. There are many other career options that can be just as rewarding that you may not even know about or have considered. Be creative when looking for a job and do not have preconceived ideas! Be creative when looking for a job and do not have preconceived ideas! Talk to people, ask questions. Talk to people, ask questions.