MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students Karina Hickey National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC)
What is MakingtheLink? A program for young people to promote help-seeking for cannabis use and mental health problems, which: teaches young people to help each other and to seek professional help promotes the idea that Mates Help Mates reduces the barriers to seeking help from professionals educates teachers/adults about students’ help-seeking behaviour and how to assist them to seek professional help for cannabis use and mental health problems MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Facilitators of Help-seeking Self Peers, Friends Parents, Family Teachers School Community Local Community MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Why an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander package? Original program by Orygen Youth Health and NCPIC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians seek help differently differ in understanding of mental health issues Drug use problematic and increasing in some communities MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
How is this resource different? New package developed new and amended activities literacy levels focus on movement and interaction focus on Gunja, Grog, Smokes and Sniffing more relevant examples- ‘Aunty’, solvents, sport Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander look and feel guided by a Reference Group MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Developing the program some activities adapted from original package new activities researched and created keeping specific cultural needs in mind consultation with a reference group tested with primary and high school Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in WA and NT MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Where was the package tested? MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
So what is in it? MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students 10 activities minutes per activity 3-4 activities plus, ideally culminating in a class- developed song using their gained knowledge
Activity 1 MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Activity 1 - Answers MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Activity 2 MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Activity 3 MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Activity 4 MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Activity 5 MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Activity 6 MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Activity 7 MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Activity 8 MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Supplementary Activities MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Supplementary Activities MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Other elements in package background information for teachers/adults links and referrals list of ‘potential helpers’ alternatives and extensions for each of the activities (time, resources, literacy, etc.) available at no charge via HYPERLINK (to be added when live) MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
Acknowledgements Thank you to the following people: Dr Julia Butt, National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University Bruno Faletti, School Drug Education and Road Aware, Western Australia Jonathan Hermawan Tjapaltjarri, Northern Territory Department of Education and Training Bonnie Berridge, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Eastern Health the staff and students of the schools in Western Australia and the Northern Territory where this program was piloted Graphic Designer: John Fear of Fear Design MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students
For more information Clare Chenoweth and (02) 9385 and (02) MakingtheLink: Promoting help-seeking for drug use and mental health issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students