Maths about me James
My age at 10:47
Vital statistics My height is I metre and 65 cm. my leg is 120 cm. My arm is 800 cm My leg is 72 cm. My foot is 18 cm.
Maths about me Here’s a picture of my hand. Picture off our camera.
My maths facts I have 1 trophy and 2 medals the sum is 4-1=3. I live in number 12 9x9= 19-8= 12. I have my mum and dad my 2 sisters. I also have my grandma and pa, my two cousins, and 3 uncles 1 from my mums side And 2 from my dads side of the family. I have 3 uncles so here's the sum 6-4=3
Hand information The most successful was the one with here are other kids skin total in a graphs. Pictures of open excel. I have chose these 2 graphs because it was easier. Hand areas Hand perimeters Bar graph Pie graph The most useful graph was the bar graph.
How or larger much is my hand smaller My hand is 10 cm smaller then Nathan’s hand perimeter. My hand is 10cm smaller than Nathan’s hand perimeter.
The average hand Angelique's hand is 1 cm bigger then mine.
My hand decorated It’s blury sorry