How old am I ? At \2\14
Vital Statistics Height: m 1.57 cm 1570 mm length of arm: 44 cm 440 mm Length of leg: 73 cm 730 mm Length of foot: 22 cm 220 mm Width of foot: 10 cm 100 mm Circumference of head: 19 cm 190 mm
My Hand
My data The perimeter of my hand is 88 cm The area of my hand is 113 cm(2) My whole skin in total is 11,300 cm(2)
My Maths facts My basketball number is 30 – 8 = 22 I have 17 – 16 brothers The number of my motorbike is 350 – 128 = 222 In my basketball team I have players
Column graph I think column graphs are very easy to read and clear.
Averages The average of my chosen people is My hand is smaller than the average hand of the chosen people by.1
My decorated hand