Go To DreamSpark.com
Upper Left Click On Students
Sign In (upper left), or Middle of Page Create New Account
If new: Create An Account and Proceed To Verify
Verify Using DreamSpark Key
Mapping Is *Optional* (see notes)
Return To DreamSpark.com and select App Development
Scroll To #3: Get Registration Code
#1 #2#3 1. Make sure you’re signed into DreamSpark with your DreamSpark account. 2. the status should say: “Verified” 3. Get Registration code: NOTE “Write Down/Copy Save Code. You Will Need It.”
Go To: Register/Sign In With Windows Store Account (doesn’t need to be same as DreamSpark)
Select Australia & Individual ($55 AUD)
Paste Code and Select “Update Total”
1 minute later, from my online banking: Need either one, not both to verify NOTE: You can Verify at anytime, but you can’t publish into the store until you verify. It’s a one time process. You do not have to verify a “renewal”.