Bill Kuluris (Psychiatric Nursing) Clinical Co-ordinator G P Mental Health Nurse Program Mental Health Network GPV MHNIP Model
Region Barwon Region consists of people over the 9,000 square km GP Association Geelong (GPAG) 250+ GP’s 58 Practices HEADSAPCE Barwon Region (Barwon Health AMHR) 24 ward acute bed service 4 AMH teams Relatively young service compared to other regions within the state
The Region
New GPs
Referrals per month
Age Groups
Referrals per Surgery
Referrals per day
The developments Extended from a successful GP Clozapine program April 2008 Federal government allowed for partnerships to occur between State/Territory and ……… Reference group committee Clinical pathways committee Support of the College of MH Nurses
The guidelines The Federal MHNIP Our local Guidelines – GP agreement Practice responsibilities MHT access Patient consent Credentialing Discharge guidelines – AMHT Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program Updates (quarterly)
The process MH Nurse selection, credential v’s best candidate Visit all 51 GP practices to discuss new incentive 2 day orientation for the 5 successful MH Nurses 4 AMHT 2 week introduction and orientation for each nurses Professional develop for going credentialing and clinical support for nurses Intake meeting 2 bulk billing session via Psychiatrist Location Sessions
Intake Meeting Consisted of discussing referral Once uptake started intake occurred twice a week. Psychiatrist only visited on the Thursday Presenting assessment once completed and decision point thereafter, Jigsaw, Headspace, MHT, Psychologist, NGO Case conference – set up by MH nurse
The Model Each nurse to potentially complete 10 sessions per week 3.5 hour sessions – assessments 1.5 hours ongoing reviews 45m documentation and driving increase in demand Intake meeting Supervision Ongoing credentialing
Where are we now Looking at implementing new referral process P/T MH Nurses to assist with leave Employ youth specific MH Nurse Psych registrar to become involved Finalising case mix and case loads Trying to slow down Generally happy with achievements over a short period of time