What is a QR Code? How can I create and read a QR Code? How can I use a QR Code in my classroom? By: Caitlin Harbison
QR Codes (Quick Response Codes)- first invented by Denso-Wave, a subsidiary of the Toyota Group, and were used to track parts in the vehicle manufacturing industry. Two dimensional barcode that can be read using smartphones, iPads, computers etc. Can be found on food packages, movie billboards, receipts, magazines, textbooks and almost anywhere else! Link to websites, videos, conversations, texts, coupons, contact information, etc. Most frequently used for marketing but can also be seen in places such as classrooms or work environments.
Several websites can convert URL codes into QR Codes. Some websites also allow users to enter information (phone numbers, addresses, pictures, etc.) that can then be converted into QR codes. Once converted, QR codes can be downloaded and attached to advertisements, books, food packaging, presentations, pictures, phone numbers, resumes etc. QR Codes can be read using QR Reader’s that must be downloaded onto camera equipped device. Info. embedded in the barcode image is scanned with iPad/iPhone, Android, PC, etc., which then opens up in a browser.
QR Code Generators: Kaywa QR Codes- QR Stuff.com- Qurify- (creates QR codes with image behind it) QR Code Readers: iPhone/iPad- QR Reader, Quick Scan, RedLaser… Android- QR Droid, Barcode Scanner, BarCode Generator/Reader Desktop Computer- CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader, Qrreader *Some generators and readers can be found on one tool
Benefits of QR Codes: Easy to create and read, saves time, enhances learning, provides helpful resources, creates more engaging lessons, provides information to parents… “Black & White and Scanned All Over” Other Examples: Put codes inside books and printed material to enhance information (could be good for gifted students). QR Code with answers embedded can be placed on homework handouts, worksheets, etc. Scavenger Hunts, Webquests Advertising school events Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything provides teacher submitted ideas
No internet access in schools “No Phone” policy Few or no iPad’s/other camera equipped devices in classroom Can be difficult to scan
Biersdorfer, J. D. Retrieved from 011/03/01/qa-make-a-quick-qr-code/ Burns, M. (, January). Five reasons i love using qr codes in [Web log message]. Retrieved from qr-codes-in-classroom-monica-burnshttp:// Jacob, L. (2010). Black and white and scanned all over[Theater]. Available fromhttp:// ayW032sKtj8&feature=youtu.be Schrock, K. (n.d.). Retrieved from in-the-classroom.html
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