GENERAL PRACTCE ORGANIZATION Pre-Practice (10 Minutes) Warm Up (10 minutes) Individual Technique Periods (20 minutes) Group Work & Combos (20 Minutes) Special Teams (15 minutes) Full Team Work (25 Minutes) Conditioning & Stretching (10 minutes)
PRACTICE ORGANIZATION Pre-Practice Teaching new techniques. One a day or one to two plays a day Big Picture Reviewing old techniques Punters & Snappers Returners QB’s warm up with WR
PRACTICE ORGANIZATION Warm Up Dynamic Mobilites Take Attendance Keep them consistent
PRACTICE ORGANIZATION Individual Technique Focus one technique at a time Get as many reps as possible Eliminate standing Use the “Chinese Menu” Be consistent with drills that only last a few minutes
PRACTICE ORGANIZATION Special Teams Punt & return one day Kick off & return next day Field Goal & block next Divide up the coaching duties so all coaches have some responsibility
Practice Organization Groups & combos Inside run / WR, QB, DB One on one Outside run 7 on 7 / O-Line vs, D-Line Half Line O vs, D Work both O & D or switch days
Practice Organization Team Offense & Defense 11 vs 11 Script plays / Plan D & D Scout teams Both O and D in a day? Switch half way? Or rotate days for O & D. Full speed but do you scrimmage? Bags, Thud, Live with high tackling, Live?
PRACTICE TIPS Keep warm up, stretching & drills consistent Keep the players moving, small lines, each drill only lasts a few minutes, max reps Divide up the coaching roles and duties amongst the staff With multiple two-way players, alternate days between offense and defense Work situations and D&D in team Don’t be afraid to work in segments (half line drills) Condition by working on some aspect of football
PRACTICE TIPS Practice what you will do in the games (%) Script your practices Use the “Chinese menu” to plan your practices Adjust the schedule to your needs and your team; Be Flexible. Don’t go crazy with live drills and scrimmage Teach safe and proper techniques. Think safety. Work one skill, play or technique at a time Enthusiasm - try to make it enjoyable