Steering Committee Meeting WA Project 4 February 2014, Bamako, Mali I. Hoeschle-Zeledon Coordinator, ESA and WA projects
Late submission of work plans for timely submission to SC Respect of reporting deadlines Poor quality reports Acceptance of workplan and reporting templates Fund confirmation by donor, reimbursement of 2013 expenditures Management issues
Withdrawal of AfricaRice from Ghana component Travel restrictions and ban on government institutions Difficulty to align all researcher with Program Framework and Africa RISING research approach (site and activity integration) Baseline surveys in Ghana and Mali still missing, limited presence of regional M&E specialist No timely execution of work plans Fluctuation of partner key staff Implementation issues
Some key partners not present in action countries; implementation by remote control Difficulty to recruit suitable project economist Change in Comms officer Efforts to involve Nutrition Innovation Lab fruitless Growing need for alignment with other USAID initiatives: how to operationalize these partnerships Implementation issues
Request for proper branding to improve visibility; everybody to work under Africa RISING umbrella, not home institutions Urgency for Science Advisory Group Easy to address intensification, but difficult to deal with sustainability, need for indicators, Africa RISING should pioneer a sustainability framework Need for visualization of integration of activities Need for standardized tool for data management; PMT should be made applicable ESA Steering Committee, Sept. 2013
Quarterly meetings held ToR for SAG developed, SAG established, first meeting??? Finalizing rules of engagement with farmers including handling their data Gender strategy at Program level; specific project level strategies optional Working group on sustainability indicators Regional log frames by end of February Program evaluation to be discussed with SAG Next learning event Sept. in Arusha, Tanzania Program C oordination Team
Change of CORAF representative Change of IFPRI representative New Comms officer Vacant seat for CGIAR to be filled; when? Suggestions: ICRAF, AVRDC (Farid) IWMI (Jerry) AVRDC (Kehinde) CSIR is a silent member Steering Committee membership
Regional log frame (28 February) Preparation of 2014 work plans (15 March) Approval by Steering Committee (31 March) New partner contracts (15 April) PCT meeting March SAG meeting ??? Exchange visit to Tanzania (late April) Technology descriptions ??? Project document ??? Program Learning Event (Sept.) Next activities and events
Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation