Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Paolo Malighetti Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Smart[er] Citizens Harvard University Graduate School of Design Bergamo University
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Smarter City and Health General aim of smart evolution should increase ….Sustainability ….Wealth ….Well being..Health as a core component of well being
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Health and technologies Scientific Advances and deployment of (IT) technologies are reshaping the way we image/live healthcare Remote care (Wearable sensors) Genomic advances Preventive/predictive technologies
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Health and Technologies example from “THE CREATIVE DESTRUCTION OF MEDICINE”
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens New Technologies and issues Enable an abundance of health data to be refined and delivered selectively, only when and where needed. Personal health data (privacy issues vs advantages of crowd information) Real time warning/forecasting Role of Neuroscience
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Health City: a paradigmatic shift Put ‘People well being’ on the fore Identifying 21st-century health needs What matters most to citizens and communities Identifying barriers to health and well-being A livable city A city where it is easier to get an healthier life
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens A terapeutic city? “Mobile health devices and services will blur the line between environmental sensing and health sensing, and mass use of mobile devices will blur the line between individual health and public health while utterly transforming our models of urban populations.” Anthony Townsend
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Smarter health projects Address fundamental technical and scientific issues that would support much needed transformation of healthcare from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive, proactive, evidence-based, person-centered and focused on wellbeing rather than disease smart-city-healthy-kids-a-research-project- assessing-the-health-of-children-in/ smart-city-healthy-kids-a-research-project- assessing-the-health-of-children-in/ The Philips Center for health and well-being The Philips Center for health and well-being
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Topics Healthy Lifestyles Living with Grace / Aging in Place Technologies Social Integration and Social/cultural empowerment
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Healthy Lifestyles
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Healthy Lifestyles assessing-the-health-of-children-in/
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Living with Grace / Aging in Place Technologies
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Living with Grace / Aging in Place Technologies Population Over 75 3% 20%
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens International active aging index
Bergamo as Health City for a Smart[er] Health Paolo Malighetti Smart[er] Citizens Social Integration and Social/cultural Empowermernt