*Political and economical cooperation between 27 independent countries *Power is shared by : -European Parliament -Council of European Union -European Comission
Advantages of joining the European Union *Better trading conditions results in better economy. *Free movement of citizens. *Working permisson for all citizens in all member states. *Military conflicts are solved together (peace commitment). *More influence in the world
Disadvantages of the European Union *Some companies can‘t adjust to the change in economie (e.g. cheap labour and product from other countries). *Less power for the memberstates themselfes. *Stronger countries have to give financial help to weaker ones. *Members have to fully adopt European law.
For us European Citizenship means: *To have the opportunity to get an insight into different cultures and to be part of a multicultural community. *Easier travelling (no borders, no different currencies) *Easier to study and work abroad.
RELATIONSHIPS With Russia: *Trading partner since 1994 *Cooperation in problems as climate change, criminality, terrorism, peacekeeping
With USA: *Biggest trading partner of the EU *Cooperation based on the Transatlantic Declaration *Cultural exchange in the form of education programs *Military cooperation (e.g. Iraq, Libia etc.)
With China: *Trading agreements *Human rights dialogue *Cultural Forum
Europa 2020 goals. *Employment- By 2020 the target is that 75% of year-olds are employed. *Education- Reducing the rates of early school leaving below 10% and at least 40% of 30-34– year-olds completing third level education. *Climate and energy- Greenhouse gas emissions 20%, 20% of energy from renewable energy sources and 20% increase in energy efficiency.
How do they affect the rest of the world and Europe? Our ideas. *Employment- In 2010 the average employment rate for year olds was about 68% so the rise to 75% is pretty huge considering that employment rates are still dropping in But if we do succeed, it would be great for the European overall development. Also if Europeans have more jobs the exchange of products and workforce with the rest of the world would also rise, which means that we would advance even more when compared to the rest of the world.
*Education- Investing in education has always been a good idea for us, completing these goals would greatly improve our workforce and overall development of Europe. *Climate and energy- Lowering of greenhouse gases means extra expenses in purchasing the needed equipment for the chimneys of factories but it is needed since we all want fresh air and the beautiful nature to stay the way it is.