Site-Visit Committee
Student Identification by District DistrictLower MorelandHatboro- Horsham Lower Merion Total # of Students: Emotionally Disturbed 47%85%90% OHI 42%12%8% Autism 11%3%2% * Percentages are approximate as provided by interviewees. It should be noted, that some students also have a secondary disability of a Specific Learning Disability.
Program Overview Lower Merion Hatboro-Horsham 2 Teachers and 2 Aides Students per caseload Separated by grades 9-10 & Co-Teach ES teachers meet with building principal once a week! 2 Teachers and 2 Aides students per caseload Grades 9-12 Caseloads are developed by students’ needs No Co-Teaching Some self-contained Instruction
LM Program Overview 1 Teacher and 1 Aide 20 students on ES Teacher caseload + 4 receiving social skills instruction + 8 on LS teacher caseloads Grades 9-12 Schedule dictates placement Academics are implemented outside of the ES classroom (co-taught, Regular Ed and Special Education setting)
Teacher Roles: Lower Merion Hatboro-Horsham ES Teacher Requirements Resource Support (4 day cycle, students come 3 out of 4 days) No Formal Teaching Periods Weekly student conferences required resulting in weekly parent contact. ES Teacher Requirements Resource Support Teach Self-Contained English, Math, Science and Social studies: 9-12 grades Whole group half the period Small groups half the period Information is based on general education curriculum No formal avenue for regular parent contact.
LMHS Teacher Roles ES teacher requirements: Regular Ed Math Instruction Co-taught Courses Resource Support Weekly conference with students Tri-Weekly review with students and letters sent home.
Social Skills Instruction Lower Merion Hatboro-Horsham Group Counseling provided by district social worker or school psychologist two times per month. Additional support available for students when needs are exhibited. ES teachers are not involved with social skills instruction or counseling. Not using a formal Social Skills Program Students receive Mandatory Psychological Counseling as part of Social Skills instruction. Group or Individual Session depending on needs All students participate once a week, but may participate more if needed. ES teachers attend the group sessions Piloting Why Try Program
LMHS Social Skills Twice a week Topics are based on student’s identified needs Instruction is provided solely by ES teacher Teacher Made activities and lessons
Why Try? Improve student retention, academic performance, and school climate Meets for one period each week over a semester Students learn some of the critical social and emotional skills everyone needs to succeed 9 & 10: Why Try can provide tools to help change patterns of failure and indifference and improve their high school career 11 & 12: Why Try can help provide motivation to put in the effort to graduate and lower the anxiety about their future that often leads to self-defeating behavior
Where does LM Go From Here? Investigate Why Try? Look at our Identification and Placement Process Look at scheduling based on need vs. master schedule Investigate the addition/integration of a weekly counseling session for all students. Visit to Lower Merion Harriton High School Scheduled for Friday, February 24, 2012