How much tax money do you think the U.S. federal government took in last year?
Here are some past annual receipt totals: 2009 (est.) - $2.157 trillion $2.524 trillion $2.568 trillion $2.407 trillion $2.154 trillion $1.880 trillion $2.026 trillion 2010 Statistical Abstract of the United StatesStatistical Abstract of the United States
1.Personal income tax - $953 billion (44.2%) 2.Social Insurance and retirement trust funds - $899.2 billion (41.7%) 3.Corporate income tax - $146.8 billion (6.8%) 4.Excise taxes - $66.3 billion (3.1%) 5.Other taxes - $91.4 billion (4.2%)
In this activity, you will discover how the largest chunk (the personal income tax) is collected, and how you will play in this annual ritual for much of your lives.