E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L The Earth Charter: An Introduction Values and Principles for a Just, Sustainable, and Peaceful Global.


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Presentation transcript:

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L The Earth Charter: An Introduction Values and Principles for a Just, Sustainable, and Peaceful Global Society in the 21st Century Earth Charter International Secretariat

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Values What are values? How do they inform us individually? Can you think of a value-based decision you made recently? Do you make value decision when you buy something? When you throw something away? Dilemmas

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Ethics The social dimension of values Why are ethics important? What questions do they help us address? i.e. How can we live together? Different ethics for different times – XXI Century ethics The EC provides an ethical framework for our present time.

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L What is the Earth Charter? Network/ Initiative Document/ Ethical Framework Secretariat

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L The Earth Charter… is a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. Represents a Global Consensus on Shared Values and Ethics for Building a More Just, Sustainable, and Peaceful World

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Ecological Integrity Social and Economic Justice Democracy, nonviolence and peace Democracy, nonviolence and peace Respect and Care for the Community of Life Respect and Care for the Community of Life The Earth Charter and its Systemic Nature

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Content of the Earth Charter A Preamble that describes the major challenges and choices facing humanity. 16 Principles divided in 4 parts, with 61 sub principles. –Principle 1 on respect for Earth and all life is the foundation of all the other principles in the Charter. –Principles 2, 3 and 4 in Part I deal with relations between human beings and the community of life, relations among human beings and between present and future generations. A Way Forward that is a call for commitment and action.

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Those involved in the Earth Charter Initiative participate in implementing its principles in practice in different areas, including... Education for Sustainable Development Youth Action & Empowerment Media, Arts & Culture Business Engagement in Global Ethics Religion & Sustainability Climate change

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Mission The mission of the Earth Charter Initiative is to promote the transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy, and a culture of peace.

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L A Brief History of the Earth Charter Origins - The Brundtland Commission calls for “a new charter or universal declaration” on environment and development to “guide state and inter-state behavior.” UN Earth Charter process is stopped at Earth Summit; Rio Declaration adopted instead (1992) Phase 1 - Development and Global Consultation Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev relaunch Earth Charter as a civil society initiative; drafting and consultation process begins (1994); Earth Charter Commission created (1997); more than people participate in the consultations Phase 2 - Launch and Establishment Final text approved and launched, and endorsement campaign begins (2000); Earth Charter promoted strongly at WSSD in Johannesburg, but not formally adopted (2002); local and grassroots action grows, important international endorsements continue (such as IUCN, 2004) Phase 3 - Expansion with Action Orientation Strategic review conducted (2005); decision taken to expand the Initiative, with new international centers and programs, and intent to greatly increase awareness, impact, and active commitment to sustainable development

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Earth Charter Initiative Affiliates Partners Advisors EC Commission Endorsers Youth Network Ambassadors Volunteers Council Secretariat

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Human Rights Universal Responsbility Respect Community of Life Common but Differentiated Responsability Common Good Peace and Non-Violence Interdependence Eradication of poverty Equitable Economic Development Democracy Environmental Protection Sustainable Living Transnational Responsibility Respect for Nature Participation Gender Equality Key Themes of the Earth Charter

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Earth Charter Youth Network Altogether, 2,897 individuals and organizations from 135 countries have joined the Earth Charter youth network. Earth Charter International partners with major international youth organizations such as the Global Youth Action Network, TakingITGlobal, and Peace Child International Earth Charter International conducts online courses, seminars, forums, workshops, etc. to inspire young people to build sustainable communities.

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Online Courses The main objective of these courses was to inspire participants to drive for positive change and create a sense of global responsibility towards a sustainable world. e-GLO (Global Learning Opportunity) - UNESCO Good Practices Youth Leadership, Sustainability and Ethics Course (in partnership with Youth Action for Change) Euro-Arab Youth Sustainability Course * Earth Charter International has been formally recognized by UNESCO as a Chair in Education for Sustainable Development. UNESCO as a Chair in Education for Sustainable Development

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Earth Charter Youth Activism Individual Activists promote the Earth Charter (EC) among their peers, take part in global EC activities Earth Charter Youth Groups organize local sustainability and peace building projects that make the Earth Charter come to life.

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Earth Charter Youth Activism Earth Charter Youth Task Force is a group of international youth working together online to promote the Earth Charter globally among young people. Partner Organizations integrate the Earth Charter into their work in different ways.

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Earth Charter Youth Network— Youth Task Force (YTF) YTF came together voluntarily after an online course with the intention of continuing to spread and enact the vision, values and principles expressed in the Earth Charter. –E-conference Video of Earth Charter Youth

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L How can YOUth can get involved with the EC Youth Network! Read the Earth CharterRead Endorse the ECEndorse Visit the Youth Network website!Youth Network website Apply to our ongoing online Youth Leadership short coursesonline Youth Leadership short courses Participate and/or Facilitate in our Online EC Youth Webinar SeriesEC Youth Webinar Series Contribute to our EC BlogEC Blog Create an Earth Charter Youth GroupEarth Charter Youth Group Learn more about the EC Youth Task ForceYouth Task Force Join our EC Youth Facebook pages, (English) and (Spanish)

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L How to use the Earth Charter? As inspiration to change our lifestyle. As a values framework for creating policies and plans. As an education tool to teach what is sustainability. Also as a ethical framework for national curricula. As foundation for companies’ codes of ethics and as assessment tool. As a tool for interfaith dialogue.

E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Be part of the Earth Charter Community! Make the Earth Charter values part of your daily life Promote the vision of sustainability Endorse the Charter Volunteer your time for Earth Charter International Join the Earth Charter Youth Initiative Use Earth Charter Tools Take action to realize Earth Charter values in your community, organization, and personal life


E A R T H C H A R T E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L Charter International Earth Charter International Secretariat and Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development at UPEACE, Costa Rica For general enquires: info earthcharter [.] org Contact the youth coordinator: youthcoordinator earthcharter [.] org Join the Earth Charter Initiative Contact Earth