Robert Frost By: Alexis Trogdon
Biography Robert Frost was born March 26, 1874 in San Francisco, California He attended Harvard University and Dartmouth University He was rewarded four Pulitzer Prizes in poetry t-frost t-frost
Analysis First person Iambic pentameter aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd Personification: line five “My little horse must think it queer” and third stanza, line three “To ask if there is some mistake”
Connotative and denotative word meanings. An example is the word sleep. Denotatively, sleep means to take rest or cease being awake. Connotative is Frost mean for sleep to be death and this changes the meaning of the lines. Symbols: woods are symbolic for life, snow indicates winter but can also mean that the speaker is elderly. “between the woods and frozen lake, the darkest evening of year” meaning that the speaker is at the beginning of the end of life. Overall, the meaning of poem is reminiscing on past memories when a person is in the older years on their life.