+ T V Bring TV to you
where we are now We are here now. Where we will be if give us the money.
What we are selling We are company which sells televisions, a portable version and another that you attach to the wall. This is a new type of TV which we think will enable us to sell more than 1000,000 of the portable version per year. This is a brand new type of TV which means we are going to very popular in the market.
Why you should give us the money We are a growing and smart company, which means we can pay you back 100% of the loan. We will grow year by year, making more money meaning that we can guarantee that we will be able to pay you back within three years.
Our Profits Cost of portable TV: £130 Cost of normal TV: £140 Profit per portable unit : £80 Profit per normal unit : £90 Profit per 100 normal units : £9000 Profit per 100 portable units :£8000
Thank you for watching !! From + TV