A concept is … a big idea timeless universal transferable trans- disciplinary
a lens…
Change Function Form Change Causation Perspective Connection Reflection Responsibility
Thematic vs Conceptual Dinosaurs World War II Recycling Survival Conflict Sustainability PlantsAdaptation AdvertisingTruth You get the idea…
a big idea timeless universal transferable trans- disciplinary You get the idea…
Facts Concept Topic Generalisation Lynn Erickson
Indigenous way of life…. how the Aboriginal people are connected to the land, language and story. What are the big ideas? What are the big ideas? What are the big ideas?
culture beliefs values diversity identity Cultural beliefs and values influence identity.
People’s beliefs and values shape their identity. (individual) Cultural groups are linked by common values. (group) There is diversity within cultural groups. An individual’s identity can be shaped by more than one culture.
Important to know Enduring understandings Worth knowing
Concept Driven learning in action Lots more resources on Concept Driven Learning on the #pypchat wiki#pypchat wiki Start with Lynn Erickson