The Revolution
Groups Different revolutionary groups sprouted in Southern China and foreign overseas. They were unified as Tongmenhui in Tokyo, 1905 Supported by overseas Chinese, gentry and Businessmen, foreigners and soldiers Two major organizations rose in 1904
Reasons Western imperialists had to much power in China Defeat in two Opium Wars Opposition towards Concessions in Mainland China Inefficient and corrupt leadership
Uprisings Some places where uprisings sprouted: Hong Kong ( 香港 ) Guangzhou ( 广州 ) Changsha ( 長沙 ) Guizhou ( 貴州 ) Shanghai ( 上海 ) Anhui ( 安徽 ) Many of the places where uprising took place were directly effected by treaties with Europe. Map of Uprisings during the Xinhai Revolution
Nanjing Road after Shanghai Uprising
Different Rebellion Flags Wuchang Uprising Flag 1 st Guangzhou Uprising Flag 1 st Flag of the Republic of China China Soviet Republic Flag Fengtian Clique Flag
Order of Events Began on 5 th April 1911 when the Chinese were forced to sign an agreement with bankers from imperialist Europe. Because of economic uncertainty, the Qing utilised taxes, and sold government jobs to make ends meet. Government power was de-centralised & defence forces were regionalised. Uprisings (e.g. The Taiping and Boxer rebellions) took place. The rebels seized command of all Qing territory. Emperor Puyi ( 溥儀 ) abdicated and The Republic of China was established
Resolution of the war The Chinese Revolutionary Alliance ( 中華民國 ) emerged victorious The Republic of China ( 中華民國 ) was established The Qing Dynasty ended Emperor Qing Puyi abdicated. The long cycle of dynasties rising and falling ended The Shanghai American School ( 上海 美國學校 ) was founded in 1912, after the revolution.
Sources /ChineseRev culture/chinese-xinhai-revolution.html
THE END America was one of the first nations to recognise the Republic of China, and the Shanghai American School was opened on the 17 th September 1912, 7 months after the revolution ended “If the idea of revolution is to win out, it must be through political enlightenment. It is useless to try to impose it by force of arms.” (Sun Yat Sen)