Keystones and Students with Disabilities Dr. Christine Bunce Bureau of Special Education.


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Keystones and Students with Disabilities Dr. Christine Bunce Bureau of Special Education

Essential Question: What should the IEP team consider to prepare a student for assessments, graduation and transition?

Big Picture = College and Career Readiness A ll students graduate from high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit- bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs. For ALL Students 1.Key cognitive strategies 2.Academic knowledge 3.Academic behaviors 4.Contextual skills and awareness 1.D. Conley, Redefining College Readiness, 2007 Two-thirds of all new jobs require at least some postsecondary education

Balancing Instruction, Assessment & the IEP 4 Status Quo Change Standards Curriculum Instruction Assessment IEP

Purposes of Keystone Exams 5 Accountability Graduation Class of 2017 Keystone Exams

Federal Accountability ESEA explicitly calls for the participation in such assessments of all students [Sec (3) (C) (i)]. (The term “such assessments” refers to a set of high-quality, yearly student academic assessments.) It also requires that these assessments provide for the reasonable adaptations and accommodations for students with disabilities— as defined under Section 602(3) of IDEA— necessary to measure the academic achievement of such students relative to state academic content and state student academic achievement standards [Sec (3) (C)(ii)]. 6

State Accountability Chapter 14 § Purposes. (a) It is the intent of the Board that children with disabilities be provided with quality special education services and programs. The purposes of this chapter are to serve the following: (1) To adopt Federal regulations by incorporation by reference to satisfy the statutory requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C.A. §§ ) and to ensure that: (i) Children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education which is designed to enable the student to participate fully and independently in the community, including preparation for employment or higher education. (ii) Children with disabilities have access to the general curriculum, and participate in State and local assessments as established and described in Chapter 4 (relating to academic standards and assessment). 7

Keystone Exams for Accountability  The Keystone Exams for Algebra 1, Biology and Literature administered at the end of course replace the 11 th grade PSSA.  All students with disabilities in high school participate in one of the following as determined by the IEP Team:  Keystone Exams without accommodations  Keystone Exams with accommodations  PASA  All students participate in either Keystone Exams no later than 11 th grade or PASA in 11 th grade for the purpose of Accountability. 8

Guidance for IEP Teams - Accountability Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) participate in the Keystone Exam with/without accommodations as necessary immediately following completion of the related course. Students who qualify for the PASA would take it during the PASA Assessment Window. This IEP team decision is indicated in Section IV of the IEP.

Test Features and Accommodations Test Features – Online and Paper and Pencil Accommodations – Online and Paper and Pencil – Included the IEP and aligned across Present Ed Levels, Assessment and SDI – Used as part of the daily instructional program – Monitored to assure they are needed and work for the student 10

2/21/13 Accommodations Guidelines: state_assessment_system/20965/pennsylvania_system_of _school_assessment_(pssa)/ state_assessment_system/20965/pennsylvania_system_of _school_assessment_(pssa)/ Addition addresses Concussions 11

Purposes of Keystone Exams 12 Accountability Graduation Class of 2017 Keystone Exams

Keystone Exams for Graduation Purposes  § High school graduation requirements. [(e)] (f) Special education students. Children with disabilities who satisfactorily complete a special education program developed by an Individualized Education Program team under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and this part shall be granted and issued a regular high school diploma by the school district of residence. This subsection applies if the special education program of a child with a disability does not otherwise meet the requirements of this chapter.  This section of Chapter 4 has been maintained within the revisions to Chapter 4. 13

Class of 2017 Questions to consider: 1.How will districts provide access to the content? (e.g. K-12 curriculum, multiple courses, online support, supplemental instruction) 2.How may students demonstrate learning? (e.g. retake of Keystone, Project Based Assessment, across years progress monitoring, end of course assessments) 3.How does the content and or the need to demonstrate proficiency connect to students’ transition goals?

Graduation Guidance for IEP Teams A student with a disability will have the same opportunity as the non-disabled student to “test out” of the course by passing a Keystone Exam and scoring “advanced” if the school district has made this allowance. The student may be awarded credit for the course without actually taking the course if the school district allows this.

Graduation Guidance for IEP Teams IEP Teams consider options that support the student’s transition plan and are in alignment with the present ed levels. IEP Teams consider the long term as well as the current year as transition is planned. All members of the IEP Team including the parent and student are aware of options. 16

Graduation Guidance for IEP Teams Transition Planning begins during the IEP year the student turns 14. What skills, training, knowledge, High School record will the student need to accomplish his/her Post – High School Goals? – Based on information gathered on interests and preferences and address as needed Post Secondary Education/Training/ Employment /Independent Living – Identifies where the student will be AFTER high School – Based on Present Ed Levels – Participation in Keystones and graduation requirements should align with the student’s transition plan to post high school opportunities. 17

Project-Based Assessment A student who does not achieve proficiency on a Keystone Exam may complete a project-based assessment. Projects will be: Aligned with Keystone Exam modules Developed by the department and administered by school staff Scored by regional panels of educators

Purposes of Keystone Exams 19 Accountability Graduation Keystone Exams

20 Transition to PACC for Keystone Exams and PSSA  Keystone End-of-Course Exams  Already aligned to PA CCSS (crosswalk with PACC Standards)  More complex text  More rigorous open-ended  English Composition ( )  PACC Aligned PSSA Math and ELA Tests  Field testing 2013 & 2014  Operational 2015  More complex text  Passage-based essay; grades 4-8 (2015)  Composition & Language skills for all grades 3-8 (2015)  Science PSSA test: transition not scheduled

Questions, Challenges, and Opportunities  Must all students with IEPs participate in the Keystone Exams?  YES except for students who take the PASA.  What will courses look like for students who must take the Keystone Exams?  This will require special education and curriculum leaders to work together to assure that all students have access to the necessary curriculum and instruction. Additional Questions 21

Acknowledging Change is difficult 22


Contact Us: For more information, questions, or comments about Pennsylvania’s new Graduation Requirements

> 25 For more information on the Keystone Exams, statewide assessments and graduation please visit PDE’s website at