Myranda Eberle & Dylan Marone
Born on March 25, Her father was a realtor owner. Mother stayed home to take care of the family. Grew up in Milledgeville, Georgia on her family’s farm. onnor.jpg
Attended the Peabody High school. Editor for the college magazine. Graduated college in Went on to the University of Iowa to extend her education.
she worked on Wise Blood. In 1952 her first novel was published. The Violent Bear It Away came out in Both novels shared similar subjects. nt_Bear_It_Away
In 1979, a film was made of Wise Blood. Very literal to the novel. Directed by John Houston. $2 Million was invested in the film. "Wise Blood" Clip
Her short stories have been considered her finest work. Her more famous shorts stories include: o A Good Man Is Hard To Find o Everything That Rises Must Converge o The Complete Stories an_is_Hard_to_Find hing_That_Rises_Must_Converg e e_Complete_Stories_(O%27C onnor )
●“ I find that most people know what a story is until they sit down and write one.” ● -Flannery O’Connor ● “It is better to be young in your failures than old in your success.” ● -Flannery O’Connor ● “The truth does not change to our ability to stomach it.” ● -Flannery O’Connor
Famous writer of the twentieth century. Known for: o Strange and interesting characters. o Violent plots. o Religious world view. O’Connor came from a very wealthy family. jpg
1950, first attack of Lupus. O’Connor continued to write through her illness. Presented lectures and speeches to colleges. Died in 1964, at age oconnor-2.jpg
Gale, Thomas. "A Good Man Is Hard To Find." Gale Virtual Reference Library Print Gale Cengage Learning. 26 Feb Liukkonen, Petri. "Flannery O'Connor." Kirjasto Books and Writers. 26 Feb "Bio." EIU. EIU. 27 Feb Robert James, McGill. "Flannery O'Connor." The Literary Encyclopedia. 8 November The Literary Encyclopedia. 27 Feb 2009.