Cataloging- where to begin? Fiona Collins, Head Librarian, Western International School of Shanghai Supported by: CiCi Zhuang, Chinese Librarian, Western International School of Shanghai
Overview Definition & qualities of a catalogue Cataloguing codes Catalogue entries MARC Records Z39.50 sources
Definition Catalogue - a list of entries, arranged according to some definite plan, which records and describes the resources of a collection.
Qualities of a catalogue flexibility – it should be possible for records to be added or withdrawn easily accessibility – staff and users should be able to gain simultaneous access to the records reproducibility – it should be possible to reproduce the catalogue economically, conveniently and rapidly to allow wider access (online access) maintenance – should be relatively inexpensive to keep the catalogue up to date compatibility – should meet common standards, MARC 21, which allow its bibliographic records to be interchanged with other systems (local, national or international)
A catalogue should be: a finding tool; a bibliographic tool for assembling groups of works under uniform headings; a supplement to classification; an inventory of stock (incidental function)
Cataloguing codes a set of rules which aim to achieve consistent practice by successive cataloguers - most widely known are the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) Part 1 relates to description of materials. All materials receive equal treatment consistent with ISBD standard-bibliographic-description standard-bibliographic-description Part 2 deals with access points, headings, uniform titles, references.
Cataloguing Entries Title and statement of responsibility Edition Material Publication info Physical description Series Notes Standard number - ISBN Subject headings
MARC Records Machine readable cataloging records including 3 elements of the bibliographic record: Record structure Content designation Data content Each record is made up of fields with 3 digit tags. Each tag relates to a different element of the catalogue entry, e.g 020 ISBN; 082 Classification Number
More about MARC 21 To find out more about MARC 21 visit marc21_tutorial_ie/ marc21_tutorial_ie/
Subscription services There are several subscriptions services for cataloging records:
Z39.50 Sources Z39.50 is a protocol which allows you to search other libraries remote catalogues and import cataloguing records Most library systems have the facility to set up Z39.50 interfaces
Destiny Z-Sources
Z39.50 Sources Z39.50 target directory, Z39.50 destinations, hosts.htm hosts.htm
Useful books The Concise AACR2 by Michael Gorman
Dewey Decimal Classification Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification, dos/ASIN/ /bookrags dos/ASIN/ /bookrags
Further help or information Shanghai Librarians Network, Fiona Collins, or CiCi Zhuang,