“Oh the Places You’ll Go!” An introduction to 2nd grade geography vocabulary
The land mass on Earth is divided into continents The land mass on Earth is divided into continents. The seven continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. Do you know which continent you live on? continent
The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth, halfway between the north and south poles.
A gulf is a part of the ocean (or sea) that is partly surrounded by land (it is usually larger than a bay). What do you know about recent events in the Gulf of Mexico? gulf
A river is a large, flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea or ocean. Do you know what river borders Kansas and Missouri? river
A mountain is a very tall high, natural place on Earth - higher than a hill. The tallest mountain on Earth is Mt. Everest. Can you name a mountain range in the United States? mountain
A canyon is a deep valley with very steep sides - often carved from the Earth by a river. What is the name of a canyon in North America? canyon
desert A desert is a very dry area. What kind of animals live in the desert? desert
island An island is a piece of land that is surrounded by water. True or false—Kansas is an island. island
A peninsula is a body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides. How is a peninsula different from an island? peninsula
A prairie is a wide, relatively flat area of land that has grasses and only a few trees Can you think of an animal with the word “prairie” in its name? prairie
A compass rose shows the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west. Where would you find a compass rose? Compass rose
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Canyon Valley Prairie Gulf
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. equator Continent lake Mountain
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Island Valley Desert Peninsula
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Lake Peninsula Island Gulf
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Canyon Mountain Prairie Equator
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Plains Continent Compass Rose Island
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Equator Valley Prairie Mountain
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. River Ocean Island Lake
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Peninsula Continent Island Desert
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Equator Gulf River Plains
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Desert Peninsula Plains Equator
Move your mouse to the correct vocabulary word. Canyon Valley Plains Desert