Ted Bundy By: Olivia Carmichael
Serial Killer Serial Killer: a person who kills multiple people. Ted Bundy is classified as a serial killer because he killed around 35 murders. 30 of which he confessed, but there could have been many more.
Facts Name: Theodore Robert Bundy He was born November 24, 1946 at the Elizabeth Lund Home For Unwed Mothers in Vermont. Died on January 24, 1989, died by an electric chair. Ted Bundy was known as “handsome, cultured, and charming.” While he was in jail he proposed to a woman and married her. When the end of his trial came his wife divorced him, and got complete custody of their child.
Born in the Elizabeth Lund Home For Unwed Mothers in Vermont. Mothers name is Eleanor Louise Cowell. Father is still mystery but think the name of father is Lloyd Marshall. His grandparents Samuel and Eleanor claimed Bundy as their own son. Because of this he thought his own mother was his sister. He was very shy in high school and college. He was arrested twice as a juvenile.
What lead to Killing He had a huge breakup with his college girlfriend in His mother married a man John Bundy but Ted never became close to his stepfather. He was fascinated by sex and violence.
What he did He killed/raped women as his victims. They were all thin, white, and single. He was repetitive with the type of women he killed, along with when they would vanish. He would hunt down women at night. He cut off their heads and slept with their corpses. He would hit them and almost torture them, then he would strangle them to death.
Jobs In high school he was a thief, shoplifter. He stole ski equipment and forged ski lift tickets. Worked for the state Republican Party.
Motives He proposed to Stephanie Brooks (a pseudonym name) but then he dumped her and refused to talk to her. After this breakup, he started his murderous rampage.
Trials Ted Bundy escaped his first trial by jumping out of a two story building, he escaped for 6 days before he was pulled over because he stole a car and then taken back to jail. He also escaped his second trial.
Evidence led to Conviction Evidence found about the killings each led to some of the missing people. He left things that led to certain cases and this was evidence for them. One of the pieces of evidence was an eye witness that testified against him in court. The second piece of evidence was a bite mark on one of his victims buttocks. Once these pieces of evidence was proven true, Bundy was sentenced to death.
Physical Appearance
Citations Montaldo, Charles. "Ted Bundy- Ted Bundy Gets Caught." About.com. 18 Feb Eoan, Howard Chua. "Ted Bundy." Crimes of the Century Time Inc. 18 Feb "Ted Bundy." Wikipedia. 18 Feb