Short on Power, Long on Responsibility Richard M. Ingersoll Professor of Education and Sociology University of Pennsylvania and Consortium for Policy Research in Education
Percent Teachers with A Great Deal of Influence Over Key Decisions, by Type of Decision Percent with Great Deal of Influence Source: Ingersoll, R Who Controls Teachers’ Work? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
The Relative Influence of School Boards/Districts, Principals and Teachers, by Type of School Source: Ingersoll, R Who Controls Teachers’ Work? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Percent Public School Teachers Reporting Spending Various Amounts of Their Own Money on Meeting the Needs of Their Students ( ) Percent Source: Status of American Public School Teacher Survey, National Education Association.
Average Annual Earnings For Selected Occupations (2005) $100k$150k$200k Source: 2005 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Instructional Decisions The Effects of Teacher Influence on School Conflict School Conflict Teacher Influence low high low high Student-Staff Conflict Conflict Among Teachers Teacher-Principal Conflict high low Social Decisions Source: Ingersoll, R Who Controls Teachers’ Work? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
(Percent voluntary teacher turnover by amount of teacher influence over social and instructional decisions.) Social Decisions Instructional Decisions Percentage Turnover Teacher Influence The Effects of Teacher Influence on Teacher Turnover LowHigh Note: “Voluntary Turnover” excludes retirements, layoffs, terminations and involuntary transfers Source: Ingersoll, R Who Controls Teachers’ Work? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
The Effects of Teacher Influence on Teacher Turnover (Percent voluntary teacher turnover by amount of teacher influence over social and instructional decisions.) Percentage Turnover Teacher Influence Note: “Voluntary Turnover” excludes retirements, layoffs, terminations and involuntary transfers Source: Ingersoll, R Who Controls Teachers’ Work? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
The Effects of Teacher Influence on Teacher Turnover Low High Teacher Influence Percentage Turnover (Percent voluntary teacher turnover by amount of faculty influence over decisions concerned with student discipline and tracking ) Note: “Voluntary Turnover” excludes retirements, layoffs, terminations and involuntary transfers Source: Ingersoll, R Who Controls Teachers’ Work? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.