Moving on with ICT
Moving on with ICT School Review Visits Assessment – glass ceiling New Primary Frameworks ICT Progressions
Hide and reveal pictures ICT instructions Recorded audio Wordbanks Online reading journal RSS news stream Role-play software Track changes Stop frame animation Online book reviews Newsreel footage Screen recorder Ongoing online event Keyboard tutor Find and replace punctuation Thesaurus surfing Biographical websites Multimedia books Photo storyboard Podcasting inbox Moving on with ICT Taken from the new Primary Framework for Literacy:
Hide and reveal pictures ICT instructions Recorded audio Wordbanks Online reading journal RSS news stream Role-play software Track changes Stop frame animation Online book reviews Newsreel footage Moving on with ICT Taken from the new Primary Framework for Literacy: Screen recorder Ongoing online event Keyboard tutor Find and replace punctuation Thesaurus surfing Biographical websites Multimedia books Photo storyboard Podcasting inbox
Year 1 Create pages in Textease / MS Word / Clicker as appropriate, for children to add or match labels, using wordbanks where available. Use word processor or database software to create ‘fact files’ Moving on with ICT Draft progression of skills required for information texts
Year 2 Model the creation of simple IT Texts ( text and single graphic?) Become familiar with website icons and hyperlink conventions Moving on with ICT Draft progression of skills required for information texts
Year 3 Save websites to ‘Favourites’ and organise into folders Use highlighter tool, if available Use concept mapping software Insert sound, video and animations to text, in addition to pictures Use to create messages in a shortened form Moving on with ICT Draft progression of skills required for information texts
Year 4 Use search tools to find key words (frequentlyCTRL + F) Use drawing tools to create charts, create tables Moving on with ICT Draft progression of skills required for information texts
Year 5 Be able to verify websites Insert charts and diagrams into text Use hyperlinks in Textease, MS Word, Presenter or PowerPoint Use word count facility Moving on with ICT Draft progression of skills required for information texts
Consider requirements of National Curriculum Look beyond current schemes QCA or Commercial Use co-ordinators specialist knowledge Acknowledge skills children have acquired at home Incorporate a broader range of ICT e.g. video, animation, podcasts, wikis, blogs Moving on with ICT – First Steps Create a wish list of ICT activities for each year group
Moving on with ICT - Activity In Year groups navigate to the appropriate page on our wiki: Use the page as you would a flip chart to record Your first thoughts about what your ICT curriculum could look like.
Not intended to suggest that we abandon QCA Use wish list to see whether there is already a natural progression in place - if not, work towards developing one Share schools’ expertise to create guidelines to develop the appropriate use of ICT Continue to use wiki to develop ideas Moving on with ICT - What Next?