The Capstone Program Is It For You?
What is Capstone? Capstone is an online course offered through WHRO and PBS Teacherline to assist teachers in integrating the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS*T). Capstone is a professional development opportunity that allows you to earn free graduate credit for re-certification.
Prerequisites What do I need to know? You need to have access to a K-12 classroom. Have experience using the Internet, Microsoft Office, and other school software. Be familiar with the elementary content you already teach. Have some experience with online courses.
Goals Teachers will Understand various ways that they can use technology with their students. Explain and utilize the ISTE NETS*Ts in their classroom. Share strategies for learning and teaching with local and global learning communities. Develop an Exhibit for Capstone I and Capstone II.
Resources Teachers will – Read articles – View videos – Explore websites: PortaPortal, Delicious, Nings, Blogs, Wikis, etc. – Participate in Online Discussions, and – Complete Activities and Assignments