PA Core Standards
The end in mind PSSA Assessments Implementation Plan for PA Core Standards Instructional Shifts and Rigor of PA Core Standards ELA and Mathematics Instructional Framework and Related Resources
“To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” Stephen Covey “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” Stephen Covey
The end in mind “End in Mind” for our students Steps you have taken… Steps you need to take... 1.Discuss what you wrote. 2.Discuss what other steps you need to take. 3. Add them to your list. 4.Circle those that are priorities.
The end in mind
Spring 2014 PSSA Questions include items aligned to both PA Academic Standards & PA Core Passage Based Essay Writing Field Test
English Language Arts Preliminary item and Scoring Sampler Grade 5 p. 49 Spring 2014 PSSA
Spring 2015 PA Core PSSA New Standards More Rigor Different Types of Questions How do we prepare for the transition from PA Academic Standards to PA Core Standards?
Pennsylvania Core Standards Implementation Plan How do we get there?
What are you doing? 1.What have you done to transition to PA Core Standards? 2.Describe the success your district has had with an implementation plan for PA Core Standards. 3.What advice do you have as we move ahead with the transition to PA Core Standards?
PA Core Standards Timeline
Guiding Strategies
Effective Communication Guiding Strategy 1 Design and establish systems of effective communication among stakeholders to continuously identify areas of need and disseminate information.
Guiding Principle 2 Facilitate continuous high quality professional learning opportunities for educators who are prepared to teach and assess to the rigor and depth of PA Core. Professional Learning
Evaluate and Align Evaluate and align existing curriculum, instruction, supporting materials, resources, and assessments to PA Core Standards; create new assets as necessary.
Reflect Build in a cycle of reflection to support continuous improvement.
Stages of Implementation Implementation is a process that does not happen all at once; it occurs in discernable stages. The stages are not linear or separate; each appears to impact the others in complex ways. Adapted from Implementation: The Missing Link Between Research and Practice, Dean Fixsen
Critical starting place Saves district time and money and increases likelihood of success Establish an implementation team at district and/or building level to assess capacity of successful implementation. District/building level administrators and/or instructional leaders will: establish a vision to use PA Core to shift curriculum, instruction, and assessment to align with the Educator Effectiveness framework and 21 st century expectations. work with implementation team to assess capacity for PA Core implementation participate in professional development that grounds them in PA Core Standards and the Educator Effectiveness framework Educators will: familiarize themselves with the PA Core Standards and Educator Effectiveness framework participate in overview trainings
Acquire or repurpose the resources needed for successful implementation Implementation team begins to identify sources for professional development, select staff to be trained/coached, provide initial training and utilize assessment tools Assure staff has access to materials and resources that support the shift to new practices. District/building level administrators and/or instructional leaders will: provide focused, long-range, articulated professional development assure that roles and responsibilities for implementation are clearly defined and supported by SMART goals. share an established communication plan with all stakeholders Educators will: utilize the resources located on the SAS website participate in professional development focused on instructional shifts, best practices, research based instructional strategies and appropriate assessments aligned to the PA Core. unpack the standards to ensure deep understanding of the content and performance expectations. examine instructional resources and assessments for alignment to the rigor and depth of the PA Core Standards
Newly acquired knowledge, research based instructional strategies, best practices and assessment practices are utilized to support effective implementation Fragile, tendency to return to comfortable routines Address barriers to success and develop solutions quickly Provide appropriate and immediate external support to all levels District/building level administrators and/or instructional leaders will: establish protocols for a continuous cycle of curriculum, instruction and assessment development or revision look for evidence that professional learning has had an impact on curriculum, instruction and assessment continue to provide support and supervision that moves effective implementation forward and addresses sustainability strive to commit resources to support implementation Support professional learning communities focused on PA Core Standards and the Educator Effectiveness framework Assure that capacity to move forward has been reached at all levels Educators will: continuously evaluate curriculum, instruction, and assessment participate in professional development focused on instructional shifts, best practices, research based instructional strategies and appropriate assessments aligned to the PA Core. use established protocols to effectively participate in Professional Learning Communities Create high quality instructional units, lesson plans, and appropriate assessments aligned to the PA Core.
Learning at all levels becomes integrated into practice PA Core Standards are implemented with fidelity and rigorous instruction and assessment are supported by all stakeholders Implementation team is still active and reflective May return to Exploration Stage due to staff movement District/building level administrators and/or instructional leaders will: continually adjust organizational supports to facilitate and support educators assure that new effective practices are shared with staff assure that practices in place continue to be improved if appropriate conduct learning walks and establish benchmarks to monitor progress continuously make adjustments that support underperforming populations based on evidence from data Educators will: seek out learning opportunities for professional growth based on Educator Effectiveness data continuously monitor student progress and provide differentiated instruction continuously make adjustments that support underperforming populations based on evidence from data implement PA Core Standards with fidelity
Examine financial and programmatic sustainability Funding and supports must be in place to continue effective and sustained professional development, instructional coaching, use of appropriate assessments and data driven decision making for continuous improvement District/building level administrators and/or instructional leaders will: engage the implementation team in continuous evaluation of the PA Core and alignment to Educator Effectiveness framework examine all relevant data to determine effectiveness of school improvement efforts Update and revise the implementation plan to ensure consistency system wide Educators will: continuously reflect, update and refine their practices to improve effectiveness of instruction and student learning. examine all relevant data to determine effectiveness of school improvement efforts revise curriculum, instruction and assessment based on data participate in shared leadership
Perform a close read with the PA Core Implementation Map PA Core Implementation
Where are you?
Stakeholders Leadership Teachers Students Parents Business and Community Higher Education
PA Core Standards Implementation Plan
Leadership’s Role
Teachers’ Role
Students’ Role
Parents’ Role
Business and Community’s Role
Higher Education’s Role
Connectedness Framework for Leadership Framework for Teaching STUDENT SUCCESS Area of Commonality The school leader assures a Standards Aligned System is in place. All students are highly engaged in learning. Domain 3: Leadership for Learning Domain 3: Instruction
PA Core Refresher Instructional Shifts English Language ArtsMathematics Balancing Informational and Literary Text Focus Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Coherence Staircase of ComplexityFluency Text-Based AnswersDeep Understanding Writing From SourcesApplications Academic VocabularyDual Intensity
PA Core Refresher How does it compare to what you typically see in the classroom? How does that translate to how you prepare staff for instructional shifts?
PA Core Standards Instructional Framework
Overarching Goal Copyright ©2013 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 42 …to create a PA Core Standards Instructional Framework for grades PK – 12 in English Language Arts and Mathematics to be used by Pennsylvania districts in the manner in which they choose to utilize it.
Getting Started… Grade – Band Groups Explore Reflective Reading Identification of important words and phrases
Focus of Instruction
Focus and Important
Grade Band Summaries Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 46 MATH ELA
Grade Level Summaries Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 47 MATH ELA
Meaningful, Teachable Modules Grade Level Summary Number of modules Curriculum Framework Focus Standards Title Important Standards Time Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 48 Focus StandardsFraming the Modules Decisions, and more Decisions
End in Mind 49 Is the assessment directly related to the chosen standards?
Tri-State Rubrics Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 50
Creating Modules Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 51 Populating the Template
Accessing Maps
Important Documents -Focus and Important Standards -PK – 5 ELAPK – ELA PK – 12 MATHPK – 12 -Content Summaries -ELA SampleELA Sample -MATH Grade BandsMATH Grade Bands -Curriculum Modules -ELAELA -MATH SampleMATH Sample
The end in mind “End in Mind” for our students
PA Core Standards Implementation and Available Resources