Talent at Risk part 3
Talent Development: Independent studies, mentorships and Type III Investigations Following your passion. Investigating a real world problem. Transforming students from consumers of knowledge to producers of new knowledge.
Renzulli's Conception of Giftedness Schoolhouse Abilities Creative Productivity Above Average Ability Task Commit- ment Creativity ___________________________ Above Average Ability Creativity Task Commitment Renzulli & Reis, 1997 ____________________ Analytic Thinking Ability to Generalize Ability to Learn Inductively
Dinosaur Study Group You are invited to attend a special meeting of our dinosaur study group. Zack Haake, 7 years old, will be our guest speaker and will share his dinosaur collection with us. He has been studying dinosaurs for most of his life.
Solving the Problem of the Pond.
Ruby with her mentor
Final word: What is one thing you can change in your school to meet the needs of a gifted student? Share it with your table.