Al Gore and Global Warming By: Eric Walker Al Gore and Global Warming By: Eric Walker content/uploads/2013/09/N ew-IPCC-report-disproves- its-own-predictions-on- global-warming.jpg
AL Gore Founded the Climate Reality project Known as a “Champion of the Environment” An Inconvenient Truth won the award for best documentary Co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his environmental work s3.rollingstone.c om/assets/imag es/blog_entry/1 000x306/8f18ba ae07 1c177b26602bd bb8c03a.jpg
Background After he became vice president in 1993, Gore took the lead in shaping the Clinton administration’s environmental agenda Most notable contribution to the environmental movement is him as an author Made a carbon tax Gore saved the Kyoto Treaty in p- content/uploa ds/Carbon_Ta x_Graph___pa radigm4.jpg
Life after Politics Gore began doing lectures to college students about global warming In 2007 Time magazine named him runner-up to the person of the year In 2013 Gore Published The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change
Global Warming Green house gases get trapped in the atmosphere Creates a lot of heat
Affects of Global Warming Deaths from global warming will double in just 25 years to 300,000 people a year Global sea levels could rise by more than 20ft with the loss of the ice shelf in Greenland and Antarctica More than a million species could become extinct Heat waves will become more frequent The Arctic ocean could ice-free by 2050 2005 was hottest year on earth since the late 19th Century
Svante August Arrhenius A Swedish scientist He received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1903 In 1905 became Director of the Nobel Institute where he remained until his death In 1896 he was the first scientist to attempt to calculate how changes in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could alter the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect
Things that could help Recycle Car Pool New power sources Hydrogen Power Wind Power Solar Energy
“An Inconvenient Truth” Movie hoFbBM hoFbBM
Bibliography "Al Gore." Environmental Encyclopedia. Gale, Biography in Context. Web. 19 Nov Document URL etailsWindow?query=&contentModules=&d Klein, EzrA. "Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" Movie: Fact or Hype?" National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 23 Aug Web. 19 Nov Lovgren, Stefan. "Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" Movie: Fact or Hype?" National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 25 May Web. 19 Nov Uppenbrink, Julia. "Arrhenius and Global Warming." Science (1996): Biography in Context. Web. 20 Nov micJournalsDetailsWindow?query=&pro\ micJournalsDetailsWindow?query=&pro\