Harry S Truman President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Suffered massive stroke May 8, 1884 December 26, 1972.


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Presentation transcript:

Harry S Truman President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Suffered massive stroke May 8, 1884 December 26, 1972

HIS BIO He was born in Lamar, Missouri, the son of John Anderson Truman and Martha Ellen (Young) Truman. He had one sister and one brother. Him and his family moved several times during Truman's childhood and youth. Truman graduated from high school in After graduating he worked briefly as a timekeeper for a railroad construction contractor. He also worked a clerk in two Kansas City banks. In 1906 he then moved to help his father run the family farm. For ten years he continued to farm. Truman was a member of the National Guard. In 1917, his unit was called up into regular service during World War I. He served from 1917 until He was made a commander of a Field Artillery unit in France. In 1945 he became vice president. After Roosevelt’s death on April 12, 1945 Truman became president of the United States of America. He was the 33 rd president of our nation. He decided that he didn’t want to be reelected because he wanted his independency.

1948 ELECTION Truman ran in the 1948 election as a demarcate against Thomas E. Dewey of New York He was the under dog … Electoral – Popular Truman ,179,345 Dewey ,991,291

Major events…. Dewey and the rest of the media were so sure they printed in the news paper “Dewey Beats Truman” just to realize that Truman won by 3 million plus votes

…………………………………. He was the president who single handedly ended WW2 by dropping the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which took 210,000 lives

Foreign Affairs Truman confronted enormous challenges in both foreign and domestic affairs. Truman’s policies abroad, and especially toward the Soviet Union in the emerging Cold War, would become staples of American foreign policy for generations

Achievements 21 – Point Program  Fair Employment Practices Act  Social Security expansion The Marshall Plan  Economic recovery in Western Europe

Legacy Former President’s Act  $25,000 yearly pension  Influenced by his poor financial standing Medicare – Lyndon B. Johnson  Received first two cards with wife Bess The Truman Library  First Presidential library USS Harry Truman