Progression, Achievement and Pathways for Junior Social Studies
He tangata! He tangata! He tangata! He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata! What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people! Whakatauki Introduce ourselves and themselves – who are they and where from…up to you how you do this.
Learning Intentions To gain a shared understanding of what Social Studies is To use conceptual understandings to develop an effective programme To reflect, develop and refine assessment for formative and summative purposes To reflect on programme design – building success towards NCEA Social Sciences
NZC overview - considerations What needs to be considered when teaching social studies? – key competencies, principles, values, teaching as inquiry, the social science essence statements…
What is Social Studies? What are the key ideas? Groups to do quick brainstorm about what SS is on large paper – few points from each group shared with whole.
Talk to this Wordle…Social Studies is a concept based discipline – study how societies work, examine people’s participation in local, national and international groups, investigate contemporary social issues, explore values and perspectives, learn how to become active citizens in their local and wider communities…. Get teachers to open SS page in NZC Pg 30 - discuss importance of this page – 4 conceptual strands. Could add that its not memorising facts, reducing history to timelines, make colour borders…bit of tongue and cheek!!!!!
Concepts in the Curriculum The Achievement Objectives are conceptual understandings The concepts are integrated within the AOs Concepts are the ‘big ideas’ Explain that although the concepts are not directly given in the NZC, they are in the AOs. There is no explicit list of ‘concepts’ in the NZC.
An example… Achievement Objective L5 Understand how cultural interaction impacts on culture and society Concepts to be explored cultural practices, interactions, culture, society, impacts Initial activity – Free word associations Contexts To draw out the concepts Formative/summative activity – Concept wall Acknowledge expertise in room = this is to revisit/remind the understanding of the AOs, concepts and conceptual understandings. We are assessing conceptual understandings. Questions within each context are used to draw out the concepts. Give students variety – interest – motivation One concept = several contexts At the end of a unit, students should be able to apply that concept to any situation that lends itself. Free word association (p14 BCUSS) This strategy is useful to find out what students already know about particular concepts. Ask the students to list the words they associate with each concept. For example students may list the words dance, food, language when asked to list words associated with cultural practices. The words they give first are likely to have, for them, the strongest associations. Each student can then compare their list with the those of other students to derive a group summary, or the lists can be explored further to examine relationships between concepts.
Concept wall examining cultural practices in New Zealand When you play this slide, there is animation – the wall, and then the arrow (2 clicks) – reason for arrow is that as a teacher we ask ‘what are cultural practices?’ but more often than not students will answer and identify cultural practices with the bottom line – examples. It is the teachers job to then make those links with values, traditions and customs. Concept wall p.15-16 BCUSS A concept wall enables students to take concepts and place them into an order or hierarchy. The following example could be a concept wall for a unit examining cultural practices in NZ. The process of sorting the higher-order concepts from the lower-order ones demonstrates conceptual understanding. The students could be asked to justify why they made decisions about where to place the concepts. The use of connectors, arrows, and descriptors that show relationships and non-relationships is important to indicate conceptual understanding.
Online Inquiry planner Social Inquiry Effective participation Asking questions Finding information from a range of sources Exploring values & perspectives Considering responses and decisions (social action) Reflecting and evaluating “So..what’s one way of developing concepts and their understandings...Social Inquiry process.” Refer to Social Inquiry BCUSS... Explain the social inquiry process briefly...Through the development of these skills, students learn how to critically engage with societal issues. Connect with NZC front end – princ/competencies Explain the online Inquiry planner and how it slide shows where to find it. Online Inquiry planner
Approaches to Building Conceptual Understandings As part of an expert group: Identify 2-3 key ideas from the reading What good practices come out of this reading? How might this look in your SS programme? Share your findings and ideas with your home group. Jigsaw Expert Activity in 5 Groups – handout summary template: Concepts in the Social Sciences How can conceptual understandings be developed in SS Teaching strategies for building conceptual understandings Building CU through the Social Inquiry process How can CU be measured?
Approaches to Building Conceptual Understandings Reflect on your own Social Studies unit: How do the key messages align with your own unit in Social Studies? What would you like to adapt/change/reconsider? The ideas from this reflection could be written down – so teachers go back to them to consider once today is over.
Analysis of student needs… Programme planning Effective programme planning needs to start with the student at the centre Analysis of student needs… values and expectations of the local community Relevance… How is it relevant to our students’ lives? Why is it worth doing? How will it develop authentic purposeful learning? NZC requirements… What principles can be explored? What values will this learning encourage? What KC’s can be developed through this learning? “So how do you design a programme of learning using this information we’ve been talking/thinking about?” 1. Establishing the ‘big picture’ ie what needs to be considered in developing a teaching and learning programme? ***Handout programme plan (colour A4 sheet) of what to consider – what do your current programmes look like in terms of all these aspects? Discuss.
‘Effective pedagogy in the social sciences’ is based on the following principles… 2. Planning action – How will this unfold? The BES Social Sciences identifies 12 principles to effective pedagogy that are likely to make a difference to student learning. Refer to: Summary of BES in Social Sciences… Therefore, questions to consider are: What are the possible contexts for learning? How can we assess students’ prior knowledge, values and experiences in relation to the understandings? How can we engage students in this learning? Eg authentic issues and contexts How do these experiences connect students’ learning to the key concepts? What literacy skills are required? Learning intentions and success criteria Teaching and learning strategies Source: Sinnema, C. & Aitken, G. (2012)
Reflection and evaluation 3. Review teaching and learning and modify plan based on evidence of student learning ie analysis of formative assessment, engaging student voice
Social Studies programme Using the list of aspects from teaching and learning: Identify what is currently reflected in your Junior SS teaching and learning programmes Identify one aspect that is a strength in your Junior SS programme Identify one aspect that you would like to develop further in your Junior SS programme Complete Hilary’s activity…words/aspects of what to consider – strength that’s reflected in their programming and then something they want to develop…how? THEN: Based on your thoughts/ideas from these questions, individually reflect and respond to the 6 questions – Hand these out. Share responses in pairs or small groups.
Assessment for Formative purposes ‘Formative assessment refers to all those activities undertaken by teachers, and by the students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. Such assessments become formative when the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching to meet the needs.’ -Black and Wiliam What are we assessing? When? Why? Assessing for student needs? Possible assessment of Conceptual understandings, aspect of Soc Inquiry process, values, Soc Inquiry process during/throughout the unit – refer to National Standards and OTJs. How much assessing do we really need to do? This can be dependent on what SLT want – school reporting Assessing for student need – refer to Teaching as Inquiry model on Slide 16.
How do you show progression of student learning and conceptual understandings? What to consider… Conceptual understandings? Achievement Objective/s? Social Inquiry process – aspects? Perspectives? Can’t really show progression between levels but you can within – progression of understanding of the concepts. These are the unique things that can be assessed in Social Sciences.
Progressions in Level 4 or 5 NA A M E Basic developing integrated SOLO taxonomy Bloom’s Taxonomy Can’t really show progression between levels but you can within – progression of understanding of the concepts. There is no right answer…MoE haven't produced anything to say ‘this is how you do it’. Until then, we go on what Social Studies actually is and students understandings of concepts – their understanding at beginning of unit through to the end – what progression has been made? These are some possibilities to determine progression. This can all depend on your school reporting system. You could have a generic marking schedule – in the end, you are assessing the students’ conceptual understanding – whatever the context, topic/unit, it’s still the conceptual understanding.
No relevant concepts have been used to show understanding… NA A M E No relevant concepts have been used to show understanding… One relevant concept has been used and described to show understanding of… Two or more relevant concepts have been explained to show understanding of… Two or more relevant concepts have been comprehensively explained to show understanding of… Example 1.
SOLO Taxonomy Example 2.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Example 3.
What do you consider is important when reporting to parents/whanau? As a group: 1. What do you consider are 3 key elements to report on in SS? Why? 2. Report back to everyone 3. Share your current reporting system and identify/refine/edit… Ask whole group – what’s important? Write onto board their ideas. 3 key elements – large A2 sheets – get each group to report back to whole. Consider the reading we did earlier on Approaches to CU -
Back mapping What are we doing in Y9/10 SS to prepare our students for Senior Social Science subjects? Language and literacy? Conceptual knowledge? Refer back to NZC template to show Language and literacy is specified in NZC and needs to be developed in SS but not necessarily assess. Conceptual Knowledge – the transferability of this skill is important – what conceptaul knowledge is important for Snr SS subjects?
NCEA Level 2 / Curriculum Level 7 Back mapping and literacy NCEA Level 2 / Curriculum Level 7 Across subjects students are asked to write in order to: Demonstrate understanding… Discuss… Analyse… Apply… Explain… Evaluate… ….and many students do write proficiently.
NCEA L1 Consider the subject(s) you teach in Snr Social Sciences… What is the key to success? What are the ‘big ideas’ that students need to come into your L1 subject? Possibly teachers could group themselves into subjects and identify 3 key ideas – these are then shared with everyone – we write up onto board.
Success Criteria Shared understandings of what Social Studies is Considered approaches to conceptual understandings to develop an effective programme of learning Reflected, developed and refined assessment for formative and summative purposes Shared ideas in regard to progressions within one curriculum level Considered requirements in Snr Social Sciences to support and build Social Studies pathways