W HAT IS PLAGIARISM ? Plagiarism – copying someone else’s words and/or ideas without giving credit to the author – is a serious offence in the academic world and will not be tolerated either at YUELI or at York University. Instructors will treat any instance of plagiarism very seriously. This includes any situation where students have another person write, in full or in part, an assignment for them, or copy materials from other students, printed materials and/or the internet. Where the words or ideas of others are represented, students must make it clear that these words or ideas of others – not their own. This is generally done by way of citation and quotation. - York University Policy, 2012
W HY IS PLAGIARISM BAD ? how can a teacher grade a student who uses others’ work? no chance for improvement for a plagiarising student person who authored original is not given credit unfair to students who did work
H OW CAN WE AVOID PLAGIARISM ? 1. use direct quotes E.g. According to Shulman (2012), “Plagiarism will definitely result in serious consequences.” 2. paraphrase E.g. According to Shulman (2012), there will be significant punishments for anyone who presents someone else’s work as their own.
G UIDELINES FOR P ARAPHRASING 1. Change the structure or order of the sentence and/or paragraph. Chinese students seem to be under serious stress because they have so much homework. Because they have so much homework, Chinese students seem to be under serious stress.
G UIDELINES FOR P ARAPHRASING 2. Find appropriate synonyms. student = pupil, learner serious = severe homework = assignments seem = appear Chinese learners appear to be under severe stress because they have so many assignments. (note: much many)
G UIDELINES FOR P ARAPHRASING 3. Change active voice to passive and vice versa. (note: this strategy is not always possible or desirable) Chinese students seem to be under serious stress because they have so much homework. Chinese students seem to be under serious stress because so much homework is being given.
G UIDELINES FOR P ARAPHRASING 4. Change word forms. Chinese students seem to be under serious stress because they have so much homework. Students from China feel seriously stressed because they have so much homework.
G UIDELINES FOR P ARAPHRASING Now put all the strategies together: Chinese students seem to be under serious stress because they have so much homework. Because so many assignments are being given to students from China, they appear to be seriously stressed. good paraphrase!