Differentiated Instruction (DI) By Jason Thomas Responding to the Needs of All Learners
What is DI? The goal of differentiated instruction is to provide students with different avenues to learn. It aids in the processing, developing, or making sense of ideas. My goal is to develop teaching products (activities & assessments) so all students in my classroom can learn effectively, regardless of differences in ability.
One Size Does Not Fit All Learners DI is the process of “ensuring that what a student learns, how he/she learns it, and how the student demonstrates what he/she has learned is a match for that student’s readiness level, interests, and preferred mode of learning”. Differentiation stems from beliefs about differences among learners, how they learn, learning preferences and individual interests (Anderson, 2007).
DI is Proactive 1) The teacher assumes each student has different needs. 2) Instruction is more qualitative than quantitative. We are looking for mastery of stated ideas not how many assignments we can do to fill time. 3) Instruction is student centered. The premise here is students have more meaningful learning experiences when they are engaged, interested and the material is relevant.
Every Student is Unique Sources of learner individuality Intelligence GenderCulture SocioeconomicStatus Learner Diversity (Eggen & Kauchak 2007)
8 Identified Intelligences 1) Linguistic - Understands the written word. 2) Logical-Mathematical - Excels with reasoning, patterns, rational. 3) Musical - Sensitive to pitch, melody, and tone. 4) Spatial - Understand the visual world around them.
8 Intelligences Continued 8) Naturalist - Understand the natural/physical world. 7) Intrapersonal - Can easily identify and understands one’s own feelings 6) Interpersonal - Ability to work well in a group setting. 5) Bodily-Kinesthetic - Ability to use hands and body.
Instructional approaches to address all the Intelligences Essential Questions: 1) Linguistic - How do I get students to discuss or write about the idea? 2) Logical-Mathematical - How can I bring in number, and logic into our coursework to quantify or clarify the idea? 3) Spatial - What will help students to visualize draw, or conceptualize the idea? 4) Musical - How can I incorporate sound, rhythm or melody to aid in learning? 5) Bodily-Kinesthetic - How can I get students to be more hands on and use their body? 6) Interpersonal - How do I use cooperative learning to help students be more interactive? 7) Intrapersonal - How do I help students to be more reflective and more aware of their own feelings? 8) Naturalist - How can I provide an experience that requires students to identify and classify the wolrd around them?
Creating a DI Climate A physical environment that is efficient, engaging, safe, and nurturing. All students need to contribute and feel valued. The teacher will “know” the students. I will get to know their abilities - strengths, personalities, likes and dislikes and how they relate to their learning. Students will receive regular feedback on their performance in order to improve. Assessments will be varied to enhance interest, and promote engagement. Promote student lead discussions and activities to get students engaged in their own learning.
DI Physical Environment Everyone feels welcomed and works to make everyone else feel welcomed - Teacher provides direct positive attention to all and peers act in a positive way towards one another. Mutual Respect is nonnegotiable - Students will work together in an upbeat manner free from put downs. Students feel safe and able to open up - Stems from mutual respect. Students will feel able to try new things and be creative without feeling foolish. Students expect to grow - I will set expectations and enthusiastically challenge student to get out of their control zone. Everyone is treated fairly - I will work to get each student what they need to be successful. Teacher and students collaborate to spur growth and success - While I am the leader in the classroom, the students will be asked to: create rules/boundaries (and enforce them), help each other, keep track of their own work, develop activities, and solving problems.
DI Assessment A nalyze individual strengths and needs S trategically plan for each learner to improve and excel S et new objectives E xplore abilities S upply assistance and appropriate materials S tress growth M onitor for immediate intervention E mpower with self-directed assessment strategies N urture and support efforts T ranslate needs and strengths into active learning (Chapman & King 2005)
References Chapman, C.; King, R. (2005). Differentiated Assessment Strategies: One Tool Doesn’t Fit All. California: Corwin Press. Tomlinson, Carol A. (2001). How To Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms (2nd Edition). Virginia: ASCD. Tomlinson, Carol A. (1999). The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Virginia: ASCD. Eggen, P.; Kauchak, D. (2007). Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms (7th Edition). Chapter 4 pp New Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall