Return home right away! Send a group ahead of you to see if it’s safe Be the first one to step foot and start exploring Ask someone else to make the decision
After yourself After your king/queen After what it looks like Something else
Fight them. We are stronger and we want the land Talk to them and try to work along with them. Keep traveling and try to find somewhere that isn’t taken Offer them some weapons and horses for the land.
Fight! We can’t leave him behind Talk to them in hopes of making peace Running away! Don’t do anything and keep traveling.
Take precautions and just go for it! We can handle it Travel down river, we have gone through enough. This looks way too rough Travel up river, at least we can fish along the way Head back. There is no way we can cross this river
Try it. If it looks good it has to taste good, right? Don’t risk it. It could be dangerous Take a small bite and see if anything happens Ask if someone else wants to try it for you